An Intentional Bump for Segmenters

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
An intentional bump for those who have not seen this before.

I had this thread in the back of my mind, and needed it late last night. My "block" is almost ready to see what the fortune cookie will reveal.

For those of you who may worry about blow-outs with multi-material segmented blanks, small-piece blanks, give this a review. After 2-4-6 hrs into a blank, this is time well spent.
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I never get tired of seeing that thread. I actually have it printed out and saved in a folder in the shop. Its been on my bucket list of things to try, for a long time with many other posts here (including most of yours Mark). Thanks for bringing life to it again.
I would say bump the entire forum of blank making and sub forum of segmenting.:smile: If you are serious about segmenting pen blanks then you need to read through the posts in this forum and I am dead serious when I say this. All your questions will be answered because they have been asked before and I and many other segmenters took time to share our findings over the years. I was instrumental in getting this forum started because I am passionate about making those unique blanks that just can not be duplicated unless cnc and other tools of that nature are used and to me that is not segmenting and is cheating. Like it or not it is my honest opinion. I am not a fan of these Gisi blanks now done with plastic spitting machines as well as I am not a fan of CNC doing scroll work.

Here are a couple more threads that go along with the one Mark highlighted.

Back when that forum was started Mike of mikespenturningz started a thread that dealt with just showing segmented pens and no comments. No littering the thread with questions and comments, just photos and it has taken off to new heights and I would love to see this concept be used in other areas such as pen stand and pen boxes. Mike was very instrumental in showing many new techniques in segmenting and was always willing to share his ideas as there are many still doing this. Mark is one of them that has picked up the slack and we continue to see his work here as well. Here is the link to that thread if anyone wants to peek.

Did not mean to take topic in somewhat of a different direction but I am very passionate about this subject. I wish more people here would spread their wings and try some of this. Expand into a new section of pen making and doing things that enhance the art of pen making. This is what I look for when I come here. New and exciting. We are suppose to be an elite forum when it comes to pen making.
I have not seen this before. Thank you for pulling it up Mark. My segmented blank blow-ups while drilling happen way too often. This is very helpful information.
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Still in process, and will simply be an adequate first attempt, but AFTER I constructed the blank I got very worried on how to drill. The aluminum that is at a 90 degree angle to the drill bit did not worry me (slow, cutting oil, let the drill cool, etc), but the aluminum that was parallel to the drill bit I was very worried about. Hence this revisited technique displayed by Roy.

My blank is tubed with epoxy, so I'll have a final go at it tomorrow.


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