America's Most Wanted-Allstar

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Jul 11, 2007
Marion, NC, USA.
Ladies and gentlemen. I was recently nominated and voted as a finalist in the AMW Allstar competition. I am humbled and grateful to have received such an honor. I have a great deal of difficulty with being honored for something thousands of us emergency workers do everyday. Most of the other nominees and all of the other finalists at this point are police officers who also have a thankless job. I truly do not know how to handle this type of recognition. It has brought on bouts with anxiety and depression. I am bringing this to you guys because you seem to be my kind of people. I have not posted to alot of forums etc but I do often moniter things from behind the scenes and prefer life out of the limelight. Please do not take this as a ploy for attention or votes, I would just like some input and help on how to deal with this situation from people I feel I can trust.
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If you're having bouts of anxiety and depression I believe you should seek professional help. Talking about it here MIGHT help but I'm not a doctor and don't know. Congratulations, by the way. We need more good guys like you!:)
Darrin - In one of my favorite movies, "Bull Durham", Millie is trying on a wedding gown and asks Annie if she deserves to wear white. Annie (Susan Sarandon) replies "Honey, we ALL deserve to wear white." I think most of us feel that way about those of you "first responders", be you fire, police, EMT or whatever. The honor bestowed on you is a reflection of the admiration that is felt for most if not all in your chosen field. Accept the honor on behalf of all of the others you know who are equally deserving and represent them well. Congratulations and Good luck!
This is you? Congratulations.

I can understand why you might find it stressful to have this level of attention dumped on you. Not that I've been honored in any way like this, but I've had more than my share of attention when others have done their jobs well to make me look good.

I usually end up reminding myself of all the things that I have done that weren't so praise worthy. Then I take a few minutes to think about all the miserable, nasty and dirty jobs that I've done in my life and I start thinking "I've unclogged enough toilets in my lifetime, I'm not so special, but I'll take any signs of appreciation that come my way, deserving or not."
Rick-Thanks, I have sought professional health and they prescribed more pills.:( I am speaking with a spiritual counselor who is encouraging me to learn how to receive, difficult because as he says I am a giver...
Chasper-yes, that is me and as I think it says I just try to do what is right...
DC- Thank you, I only hope I can represent in a pleasing manner...
Thanks to all, this seems to help. Due to eye problems since surgery I have exhausted my computer time for today. May God richly bless each of you...
I think you should be so proud and just try to accept it. I do however know how you feel, I have a bit of a problem accepting praise. Instead of thanking someone for praise, I find myself changing the subject to avoid the situation.

BTW, I did try to vote for you but couldn't. Good luck, I hope you win.
I think I know what you're talking about. You are just trying to do your job the best you can, and then they single you out as something special. It's embarrassing!

I think Lou has it right. We all appreciate what you guys do! Proudly represent all your brothers and sisters who do what you do, knowing that you all deserve our thanks, even though you all are only doing what is right.

Thanks for being there for us!

Darrin, it's tough being a giver and not knowing how to accept. There are many of us that fit into that category.

YOUR colleagues nominated you and speak highly of you. They wouldn't do that if you didn't truly deserve it. In your line of work where you all deserve to be nominated you are the one person that they think comes to the top of the list.

You have worked hard to get to this point and even though you did it gladly, sometimes without any thought, many, many, people could not do your job.

Especially in your S&R mode you constantly put your life at risk. No amount of pay cheque can give you enough to put your life on the line, but you do it regardless. I would say without a doubt that the people you have cared for, rescued, and provided services too, would all have voted if they were able.

Accept the praise as a recognition by the people who would know - your colleagues - that you are extra special.

Please go an buy yourself a gift, honour yourself for the sacrifices that only you know you made.

Darrin, the true heroes are those who don't think they deserve accolades. Relax and enjoy the ride. Don't you trust the judgement of your peers who nominated you? I'm sure you have put your life in their hands, trust their opinion of you!
My brother is an EMT, advanced life support. He, as well as any of those in your profession, are underpaid for the dedication and responsibility bestowed upon you. It is more likely that you do what you do because you are so giving and unselfish and are taken advantage of for those qualities. Please allow those that admire the incredible qualities, that only a chosen few possess, to give honor and recognition that is due your profession. Please accept the accolades, with out guilt or anxiety, as their form of payment that is not possible in a paycheck.
I wish I could express the deep gratitude I feel to each of you for your advice and words of encouragement. I only hope I am able to represent in an honorable fashion. Given your words, prayer, meds and mind clearing activites I feel much better about the whole thing. Sorry Ruth I just cannot bring myself to buy anything for me at this point even though I would love to have a logsplitter I can't justify it because I only burn wood in my shop to take care of mistakes:D:D:D, I do have several friends and family that still depend on wood for heat. But anyway, THANKS and God bless to all, my prayers are for you and most importantly God's will be done... D.
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