American Association of Woodturners

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Staff member
Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
I was just wondering what the benefits of an AAW membership would be. I use to develop my abilities as a penturner, but I would really like to begin to learn to make bowls, hollow forms, etc.

THere is no local membership available for any clubs in my area (or anywhere within a 20 hour drive of my area).

For those of you who have it, is the AAW membership worth the cost? I find that it's quite a high price to enter - 50 bucks for a non-US member. That's a pretty hefty price for me, as I'm quite meagre in it worth it? Are there extra benefits to joining that I'm not aware of?

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Andrew, I have found the membeship for me to be weel worth the cost, but I am also heavily involved with a local AAW turning club. The magazine will really open and challenge you with their in depth articles and how-to's that are really complete. Also, it opens you up to the opportuinity to interact with other members, ( probably by e-mail and letters for you). If there are other turners near you, maybe you could start a local chapter. :D
I agree with Rob. Even if there isn't a local club, there are many other benefits. The magazine is great and lots of in-depth articles. There is also the benefit of getting a resource book, that list all the members, many vendors, and lots of other things. Another benefit is the grants. These can be helpful if you are looking to expand your knowledge base through some educational experience (including going to the AAW symposium). Bob
I just lost an email filled with links for you. I don't have time right now to start again:here is one of them. (these will keep you going for a year).

I also said that I found AAW a waste of money. Nice Magazine, more about turning as art than craft, plus you and everybody else is applying for the grants. Symposia only been in traveling distance to me once last year in Portland and it saved me...something like $50.

I will do another list soon,
I have mixed feelings about AAW. I belong to a local woodturners club and once wrote an application for one of their grants. We got it and several years later got another. That's nice. But the association is a bit dictatorial. They require membership in AAW for local members to be officers in their own club. As said, the magazine is attractive but more 'arty' than useful. And, membership is expensive. For me, its a matter of how much can I belong to. I belong to the local club but not AAW. In January, dues paying time, I dish out a lot of money to the various organizations I do belong to. I don't need another.
FWIW, I like a few others this year have decided there is not enough funding to go around. The rubberband will only stretch so far. I have decided not to renew my membership in the AAW because I never really saw any benefit. I instead rejoined my local chapter, made a few very helpful friends, and also am trying a new magazine subscription. I feels this is money better spent.
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