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Gin N' Tonic

Oct 30, 2009
Waterbury Ct. USA
Went to mow the lawn the other night and ended up getting stung 6 or 7 times by bees. Started to have a real bad reaction but fortunately the neighbor was coming home from work and took me to the ER. Spent the better part of the night on am epi drip but it looks like I'm going to survive.

No pics didn't happen? You asked for it!


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Oh man, looks tough. Glad you came out of it okay. I mowed over some yellow jackets once. I thought I was hitting some pea gravel as something small was hitting my legs. Then I got stung behind the ear and I knew what was going on. "Feets don't fail me now!" I was out of there with just the one sting. Glad I had tall boots on and newer jeans.
If you just would have had them knee-high granny socks pulled up all the way, you would not have been stung!

Just kidding, of course! Glad to hear you had some help nearby and that you are ok.
Last year I kept hitting yellow jackets nests. Thankfully I have found none this year. I only swell up a medium amount I have never been stung more than once.
When my grandson was younger (about 5) he got stung by a bee and his right hand swelled up.
When the doctor asked him what the problem was he said his hand wouldn't bend!
I got stung last week stupid red wasps, my neighbor ran over a yellow jacket nest on his tractor they got him 6 or 7 times, them little suckers are bad news, Glad you're all right.
I got stung last week stupid red wasps, my neighbor ran over a yellow jacket nest on his tractor they got him 6 or 7 times, them little suckers are bad news, Glad you're all right.

I ran the push mower over a yellow jacket nest about 3 days back... just one got pissed and came out to sting... he hit me just about the ankle on the inside of the left leg... I swatted him and kept on mowing... didn't thing much about it, but sure was a hot sting and as the evening wore on, my leg swelled a little and it took 3 days before the itch went away... if I find the hole, I'll gas those little guys with some high octane....
Worked on a USFS fire crew in the 60s, we hit a big yellow jacket nest on a brushfire, all 14 of us were covered in stings. so glad you had someone find you
Between the bees and the snakes this year it seems that the animal kingdom is out to get you. Glad to hear you are okay.
Glad you are ok. From what I have seen in the past one bad reaction means the next time it may be worse. Get yourself one of those epi pens and keep it with you.
Thank you everyone.

I have a follow up appointment with my PCP so I will discuss the epi pen with him. If I need a scrip my insurance covers it with a $10.00 copay. The headache finally went away so I'm feeling a lot better now.
Geezzz, glad you are OK and your neighbor knew to get you to ER. My wife has very bad reactions to stings, me, they don't seem to bother.
Do ask about the epi pen. If this reaction was bad the next one will be worse and the epi pen could save your life. Always keep it with you, not in the house or the medicine cabinet.
If you feel threatened to get even with these dangerous bees ... get yourself a five gallon plastic bucket - yellow if possible. Fill the bucket about half full with soapy water. Using a coat hanger bend it until it hangs out over the middle of the water with the end about a inch or so above the water. Make a ball of ground beef and place it onto the wire over the water. Tape the wire to the side of the bucket. Now carefully place the entire bucket trap as close to the nest opening and walk away. The yellow beasts from hell eat meat and they eat their dead and recirculate their pois ions. In time your beef gift will be covered, They will eat so much that they cannot fly and fall into the soapy water and drown. You will be amazed as to how many bees are in a next, As long as there is meat on the wire you will catch hundreds of them every night until you get them all. Hornets and red wasps also will fall for this type trap as well. :eek:
Glad you're OK. I got tagged on the end of the nose the other day bay a red wasp. Felt like I'd punched by a heavy weight boxer.
I spent 25 yrs as a scoutmaster, I was insistant to parents whos' sons had bee sting allergies, that we have an epi pen for thier boys, Very wise thing to carry for anyone with that allergy
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