I own a photo studio and we have used ight Room for a couple of years. It is a software specifically made for Photograghers and has a lot of production capabilites. While Professional Photographers use Photoshop for a good share of every day, we try not to. Photoshop is not geared to production, if we are in Photoshop it means we are fixing something, which means our workflow has been interupted. I like Light Room alot, but there are a bunch of production softwares out there and some will plug into the full version of Photoshop. The problem is, as far as I am concerned they are ALL overpriced. Be careful when buying from some software vendors that you are not buying the "education" version of software. That version is far cheaper...most times 50%... but most times will not accept plug ins or is not upgradeable. I found that out the hard way.
Mike aka: Moke