Adding paint to etched lettering on wood.

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Jul 18, 2020
Hi there,
I'm not very experienced -just begun making pens for friends and relations as a hobby. I bought a small Neje laser engraving machine for adding initials/names and it has been successful (see photos) esp on lighter woods but doesn't show so well on darker woods. (of course!!).
I have tried adding gold paint to emphasize the lettering by adding it with a pointed instrument but it's messy and either gets smeared on the wood if I wipe it still wet, or is all lumpy if I allow it to dry. Both involve more sanding as I do the lettering on finished pens. Has anyone got any advice as to how this can be made easier please ?? Would be much appreciated.


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I think most of the time, the engraving is done before adding the fittings - clip, nose cone etc. This does allow for consistency if re-sanding is needed.

For me personally, I long ago developed a fine touch with my scraper and can scrape off minuscule thickness/thinness of paint or finish and it leaves a super smooth feel to it all the way around and from end to end.
can you laser through masking tape? Maybe if you put the tape on first, laser, paint then remove the tape. Might work
Thanks for all your input- have tried the masking tape method but it didn't work very well- maybe my fault but also you can't check on the lettering before adding the paint. Had ÇA finish on the most/ all of the pens but when wiping off, the paint comes out of the depths of the lettering and looks incomplete. I'll keep practicing-they're for gifts anyway so no complaints expected (unless I ask for criticism)
Scott has the answer. Put a finish on the pen first. Then paint as you want and wipe off excess leaving paint in grooves. Just like grouting a tub tiled wall.
Put a clear finish on the blank, laser it, paint it, sand off excess paint, refinish. Trying to wipe off wet paint with such small lettering has never worked for me, I let it dry and sand it off.
Put a clear finish on the blank, laser it, paint it, sand off excess paint, refinish. Trying to wipe off wet paint with such small lettering has never worked for me, I let it dry and sand it off.
Thanks for your advice, Rick. Given my previous experience with wiping off and the masking tape, this seems a good compromise.
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