??? about x-cut Zebra wood..

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Feb 21, 2007
Hollister, CA, USA.
How many of you actually made a pen from x cut Zebra.. I have read everything on the site about it.. I now it is hard to do.. But I am so damn stubborn I am going to keep trying tell I make one.. So far I have blown up 4 sets. Just woundering how many of you guys have made one... I now the tools need to be extra sharp. I also now to not be to agresive on the cuts.. I have also tried a very loose mandral nut. And extra glue. Any more tips.. I am going to try a couple more tonight.. Thanks Dan
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Dan, what are you gluing up your tubes with? I use Sumo to do glue ups the night before turning. When I first started I used CA and didn't get glue coverage over the whole tube. When using Sumo it swells so there is coverage all over and preventing blow outs for me. There is alot of opinions on which glue to use but for me since I switched, no more blow outs! This may not even be the problem but it might help.
I am using CA.. I tried the epoxy and didn't like it. I tried GG and didn't like the swelling up and movement of the tubes. So I went back to CA.. Even thou I hate the stuff.. It really burns my eyes when I use it.. But for this I might try the GG again.. Or find some of the sumo for the x-cut.. Thanks Maybe it is that blowing them apart. After you posted that I started thinking maybe it is the glue. That you do have to put more pressure on the x-cut... Thanks Dan
Use thin CA to stabilize the blank as you go. Since this is an x-cut you have lost the structural integrity of the grain and the CA will hold things together for you.

Also, are you roughing the surface of the tube prior to gluing on the blank? The only time I have ever had a tube move after gluing is because of a brain fart while pressing in the hardware.
Yes roughing the surface.. I had GG about 10 blanks and only 3 moved.. But I didn't like it.. Also the foaming up I didn't like. I like to glue the night before.. The turn the next day with what ever glue I am using..
I've done 4 of them successfully. They were unstabilized and the biggest help was to have a really sharp skew and take really light cuts. It takes a long time, but the end result is workth it.
Originally posted by gokartergo
<br />Yes roughing the surface.. I had GG about 10 blanks and only 3 moved.. But I didn't like it.. Also the foaming up I didn't like. I like to glue the night before.. The turn the next day with what ever glue I am using..

I do use GG from time to time but generally I use 5 minute epoxy unless in a hurry then I will use thick CA. I do wait about an hour and a half before turning the epoxied blanks. GG and other polyurethane based glues will typically "foam up" as this is part of their favoritism from woodworkers as it fills voids this way.
I have turned 2 with pretty good results. They did chip out some while getting the blank round, but after that I didn't have much problem. I use thick CA to glue up the tubes and did use a little thin CA to stabilize from time to time. My best advice would be to plan on taking plenty of time to turn the piece. Sharp tools and light cuts are a must. Mind was like turning a rock, by far the hardest thing that I have turned.
Never have a problem as long as I have REALLY sharp tools and I turn it at the fastest speed I have on my Nova Mercury and I glue up with CA on everything make sure you ruff up the tubes good I use a belt sander . ..Here are a few I have made below



I saw your pics in the gallerey.. They lok great.. I just blew apart 3 more. I am going to try a couple more.. If they don't work I am going to try the gorilla glue.. I now my chizels are not the sharpest they can be.. I suck at that. But they work good enough even on all the antlers I do.. So I don't think it is that.. Thanks all.. I to stubborn to give up on this.. I will win.!!!!
I absolutely hate zebra x-cut. Round off the blank as much as possible on the sander before going to the lathe...say your prayers, hold your breath , and stop one cut before you think you should.[:D]

Best of luck!
There is a big difference in zebra wood boards. Some are soft, too soft. And some ZW is fairly dense. The softer ones will blow out much easier. I bought a 4 ft long 10 in wide board a year ago and brought half of it back to Japan with me last summer. It is very dense and the light wood is just as dense as the dark grain. Turns great. I also have some other ZW pen blanks (a couple of regular cuts and a couple of X cuts) and a 2 X 2 X 12 in that I ordered from CSUSA a Duck Call for my grandson. It is far too light weigth for my liking. AS a result I am laminating the board that I brought back to make a duck call for my grandson.

The less dense ZW blew out on one pen real quick. I think the reason is that in some ZWs, the soft lighter wood is too soft as compared to the harder dark wood and is not strong enough. On my 4ft purchased ZW board, it is like a totally different wood except for the color.

Here is a cigar pen made from x-cut zebrawood (on the left).....


I've found zebrawood to be very sensitive - especially when cross cut wood is involved. Your tools must be at their sharpest, and you use less pressure - go more slowly. Patience is the key.

It could still blow out. Sometimes you can glue the chunk back on and never see it - and sometimes you have to fill with powder and CA.

Good luck!

Roger Garrett
I blew apart 4 more last night after I posted the other three.. I glued some with Gorilla glue last night.. I am going to give them a try today.. After that.. I think it will be time to give up for a Little while..LOL
I have turned about 12 out of angle cut zebra that i sell on ebay. It is difficult to work with. some boards are better for angle cutting. Lots of ca and super sharp tools are key. I also sand the corners off on the belt sander. I also soak the end of the blanks with thin ca after using the barrel trimmer and follow up with the trimmer again, this gets into the grain and helps lock it together.
Originally posted by Gadget
<br />I have turned about 12 out of angle cut zebra that i sell on ebay. It is difficult to work with. some boards are better for angle cutting. Lots of ca and super sharp tools are key. I also sand the corners off on the belt sander. I also soak the end of the blanks with thin ca after using the barrel trimmer and follow up with the trimmer again, this gets into the grain and helps lock it together.

Thanks I'll give that a try..
Thank you everybody.. I think it was 16 blanks later I got a pen.. It was a compo of everything everybody said that made it.. Can't find the digital camera right now.. But will post a picture later.. I forgot to mention that I was making it in to a slim line... Thanks Dan
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