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Mar 27, 2009
hOUSTON, Texas
I, in a rare moment of weakness, posted a comment that went like this: "go Ducks", a hockey team that was in the playoffs. I was correctly reprimanded for this action and I will not do it again. It was deemed as not pen turning related.

I hope, however, that when someone asks for help, prayers, etc. which are not pen turning related, that we continue to show compassion and deliver the prayers requested. Consider the comradeship, friendships that have been generated from light hearten jocularity.
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John, why are you apologising?

Unless you are posting about Religion, Politics or attacking a member personally, then you are well within the requested decorum of the site as far as I'm aware. If someone has an issue about you rooting the ducks, well they can PM me as well.

GO Ducks!


GO TIGERS! (This is for the Clemson Tigers, not those other variations out there. And college football in the south may actually be considered a religion).
Then I guess I need to apologize for my avatar.......and that just won't happen...

Go Gators and Ducks
Now who are the ducks again?
GO Ducks and...


I, in a rare moment of weakness, posted a comment that went like this: "go Ducks", a hockey team that was in the playoffs. I was correctly reprimanded for this action and I will not do it again. It was deemed as not pen turning related.

I hope, however, that when someone asks for help, prayers, etc. which are not pen turning related, that we continue to show compassion and deliver the prayers requested. Consider the comradeship, friendships that have been generated from light hearten jocularity.

Just for the record...there was NO official reprimand or even warning from IAP. As a matter of fact, I can not even find the thread that this happened in. Can someone point me to it.

This is a very prime example of why folks should leave the moderating to the moderator. Don't like what someone posts? Don't reply, just hit the report post button and move on.
It appears we have a bunch of duck supporters (and others) and the use of this thread to "GO DUCK" has allowed some creative and cathartic release, so, maybe, those who are offended by team supporters should "GO DUCK" themselves! It might release the tension.....

just a thought!
Just for the record...there was NO official reprimand or even warning from IAP. As a matter of fact, I can not even find the thread that this happened in. Can someone point me to it.

This is a very prime example of why folks should leave the moderating to the moderator. Don't like what someone posts? Don't reply, just hit the report post button and move on.
I feel good about the positive comments. I am a light hearted person and like to have fun along with the serious side. I can't tell you how important this site is to me. You have taught me allot and saved me money at the same time. Thank you very much. We continue on.
Now I need to go to SAM's and get some butcher block that someone suggested in order to make some molds to pour Allumilte.

(The kind that splash around in water and have entertained both of my children endlessly when I take them to the pond with a loaf of bread. And since my children are as much of an inspiration to my penturning as anything, this is related, right?)
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