A sad day for the IAP

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Aug 27, 2007
Adamsville, TN, USA.
It was on this day three years ago that I Googled pen making, I had been making pens with my students at school but figured there must be more, and on that black and blustery day I discovered the most wonderful place on the internet, the International association of Penturners.
I have tried to stay away, but I have a great family and a lot of friends here so Thank you Jeff and Curtis, Ed and Cav, Roy and Mike and even our "giant head" Jeff Powell for putting up with me and thanks to every one that have bought my tool and to the folks that have given me advice on how to become a better pen turner, and the ones that have tried to help me with my terrible photography

[size=+6]THANK YOU ALL
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You are saying that we really have to put up with you? LOL, just kidding. You have been friends to many of us and me and I appreciate your presence here and your are a valued member. Now don't make me go ask the old timers here. But you are loved and respected my friend and thanks for putting up with me ( they have told me that I am so sweet that even honey bees can't come close to me. LOL) Happy anniversary to you for finding this side and keeping up with the addiction. :biggrin:
You are very welcome Ken ! Glad I could help:rolleyes::biggrin: Seriously though,it's been good having you around here. I'm not too far behind you on the join date. Glad you're still here.
I haven't been on for a year yet, but you are one of the folks here that keeps me coming back! :)
Ken, happy anniversary, so glad your here and any very small part I might have played makes me proud to be a member here. Stay here buddy we need you.
Man, Ken. With that title, I thought someone died! Don't worry, you'll get your money back someday! Oh who am I kidding, no you won't!!
Happy Anniversary.
Geez, Ken! You sure do know how to write a title, don't ya?

You have been inspiration and support and friend here. Congrats on your anniversary and hope you're around for many more years.
Lets see, Ken's 3 year anniversary.....can somebody else remind me what the other 6 sign's of the apocalypse are?

Congratulation on the anniversary!
Ken, glad you are still around. You and I came in about the same time and have been running neck and neck with our posts. I hope you are around for many more years to come. I love your tools. I haven't touched my old ones since I got yours.
Ken Glad to have you around, Look at it this way!! We will be friends until we are old and senile :question: :sleepy: "Then We Will Be New FRIENDS" :highfive: ... LOL.:biggrin:
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