A request from Qatar

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Paul in OKC

Jul 26, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
Got a request from my son over in Qatar, this is the email he sent:

'got a favor for you, if you would like to make 185 people very happy could you send a box of ping pong balls, we have a table put ran out of balls, the more the better'

I though it would be fun to see if any body would like to help out with this one. I am sending a box or two.
Thanks, and I will get his address posted here in a bit, if there is any interest.
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Paul, Just a couple of top of my head thoughts as I read this.
First what about a central point to send either Money (Requires this location is able to support a large purchase of balls) or send balls to. they can all be shipped to Qatar in one package that way.
Two I was a huge ping pong player when I was younger (Much Younger) and would like to add for anyones benefit that is considering this. Not all balls are equal. there are basically heavy duty ones as the lower cost thinner ones would never put up with real all out play. the good ones are more expensive but they are also about twice as thick and far less likely to get cracked. SO look for either heavy duty or tournament grade or anything like that.
Finally When I played it was with a group that basically had no money, about 75 of us. we where very serious players and going through a gross of balls (144) a month was not stretching it. We kept supplied through donations from local sporting good stores. Very seldom did we have to pay for ball. But paddles where another story. and they are just as important. Most of us scrapped together our allowances to buy just what we wanted. having a selection of say a dozen paddles of different types would be a wonderful little extra to add to there package. Want to go all out? you can actually play doubles at ping pong so 4 paddles in at least a half dozen styles would be even better. that way nobody ever has to settle for the second favorite choice. Just some extra info but I would not want to see it result in delaying sending anything. the real issue is that they have a table and no balls.
Thanks Daniel. Good thoughts. I played quite a bit in my school days as well. I remember the difference in the quality of the balls used, and glad you reminded me!
I am going to the local Academy store here to see what they have. If any one would be interest in just donating, That would be great too. I am hoping to send a package off on Saturday.
Let me know I can pay pal you some money so you can get more locally or you can just send me the address and I will do what I can from here. either way is fine. I hate to imagine what being away from home like they are is like, then have one of the few pastimes they do have be broken.
I would be willing to part with some money for the boys(and girls). One thing to remember also is that when you have nothing, anything is better. If we can send a couple hundred balls, it may be better than sending less balls of a higher cost. Pingpongballs.net offers special armed forces balls too.
The guys are pretty creative, I think. They had a strong man contest. Included was a tire (big tire) flip, weight/sand bag run, hum-vee pull, overhead press with 100lbs barbell. My son said he came in 1st or 2nd in all the strength things, but the speed things evened out the field. he came in 6th out of 25, but had a fun time with it. They even made a poster for them.


My son is the one in the middle.
Originally posted by Jarheaded

Pingpongballs.net offers special armed forces balls too.

and offers special on their special balls...big % off of a case shipped to an APO box.

PP on the way...let's get a case shipped today!

PS-with that group, isn't the NO DUNKING sign kind of unnecessary?
Paul; let me know your PP address and I'll send a couple of sheckles your way. Glad to help out our Boys and Girls over there in (as my son put it..) "The Worlds' Largest Sand Box".
I have emailed the guys at pingpongballs .net to see how many balls I can get shipped for a set amount of $$. Hopefully I will hear back soon, and get some headed their way! There discount looks real good for shipping to an APO, so....
WOW what a discount. $1.99 for 12 balls and that is with a printed military logo on them. What a nice thing for this company to do.

Paul I don't have much to offer but at this price I can offer alot. send me your paypal info please.
Again, thanks to all who have donated. (I may need to up the amount available for balls!) I had asked the guy how many I could get sent for $150. Here is his reply,

'48 packs of 3 for the 3 star. We will also donate 24 3 packs of the 3 star and 144 1 star '

If my math is good, that is about 360 balls!!!!!!!!!! I think I'll get that ordered. I have gotten donations of almost half of that now from some of you folks, plus what I was going to send anyway. Again, I cannot say enough about how this group helps out, in more ways than one.
Nolan and all, thanks! Got this one covered. I know these guys will appreciate all you help as well. Just goes to show there is more than one way to support our troops!
Once again, thanks. I have enough to make a $200 order, and it is in the works. Here is an email from my son. I gave him the link to this post.

'hey i showed everybody the 2pgs of people that are sending, everyone over here says thanks'

Thank you all again.
Well, I guess the guys have gone home for the holiday. No answer to the phone, and not responding to emails this afternoon. Last one I sent was to see if they would make the order on Saturday. Thanks again for the help.
Paul, Sent you a pay pal anyway, and yes I read all your messages and don't care that the order is paid for. Save it for the next thing they need or take yourself out to lunch cause that's your boy over there and in no way is that easy. whatever, I just wanna help the folks that I could never pay my debt to anyhow. That includes you and his mother. happy 4th.
just sent a few $$ your way. Use it however, I know you said you had the order covered. Maybe it's time for a 2nd order?? Or get them what ever they may need.
Tell them THANKS.
Guys, you are an incredible bunch of folks here. I had a crazy weekend, and am making the order today. I do have the balls covered, and am checking on getting them some paddles as well. As soon as I hear back from this supplier about shipping over seas, I am making the order. The total contribution is $300.97!!! My thoughts are to get them $200 worth of balls, and the rest will get them 8-10 paddles. This will get them some good fun!
Thanks again.
Final, final update. Orders are done and being shipped! I found out the price given included shipping on the balls and paddles. I thought I was going to have to reduce the order a bit to allow for that, but hey! The place I ordered the paddles from knocked the price down a bit, which let me order THREE 4-packs instead of just two. My son and his buddies have followed this, and are excited, and thankful. He said to expect emails once the stuff arrives, and I will certainly pass them on to the group. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
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