A problem that i need help with.

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Jan 6, 2009
Sandston, Va
Well I have a small problem. My wife has baggering me into building a garage. (oh what a problem:biggrin:) The question is should i go with a metal building or a stick built. The size i want is 24 X 32 foot. but i have to relocate two small sheds and put everything in storage till then. There is a fire code restriction due to a nieghbors garage being within 3 feet of my fence and would put it with in 10 feet of my garage. OH the decisions i have to make.
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IMHO a standard (stick) is much more complimentary to a house than a metal building.
Exceptions might be when you are in a rural area. OTOH, money can be saved with the metal. My 'garage' is a very large metal pole barn type. Same color as our house. No one has been throwing rocks at us so it can't look too bad. We do live in a semi-rural location.
Frank i was just down in your area about 2 weeks ago diggin for diamonds with no luck. Did you get there before me and found them all?
Well I personally went stick. but if you do go with metal be very careful. there are a lot of rock bottom price deals out there that do not meet local building codes. you end up having to go buy a bunch of very expensive nuts and bolts to get it there. not to mention if it does not have enough support members in the first place. Simply verify that the design will meet code with your building dept before signing anything.
Oh yes the steel is 1/4 and I still need to talk with the county on the code and get references form the manufacture on the loads for snow.
My metal building is insulated and quiet when it rains. The ac and heater have no problem with the open floor plan.
Pros and cons. On the plus side is the cost factor. The metal is cheaper to build.
Minus side. The walls on the inside aren't finished like stick built and you have to work at finishing the inside with cabinets or pegboard because the lack of studs. The cross members stick out even though at the size you're looking at there is only 2 you can't get a smooth interior wall. No way to hide the wiring in exposed walls so you have to put in a lot of conduit. With exposed insulation even though it's the plastic side you can't keep it clean. And I wouldn't want to try metal building without insulation because of the sweat factor.

All in all I'm getting ready to build another shop building as I recently moved and it will be a stick building or at least stick framed.

Also wanted to mention we don't get alot of snow but we do get a lot of ice which is no bother. But the roll up door is way better then a sliding door.
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I would think heat/cold/dampness might play into your decision..also condensation..I chose stick built, so I would not have to deal with those issues
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