A pleasant trip down memory lane

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Apr 23, 2007
Show Low, Arizona
A friend just emailed me this link so I clicked on it and enjoyed a trip down memory lane.

For those old enough to remember most if not all of these characters, the trip will bring back a lot of memories and have you humming tunes the rest of the afternoon! :biggrin:

For those not old enough to remember many of these characters, you missed out on a great era. :frown:

So, just turn the sound on, sit back and enjoy!


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Remember most of them. Saw a lot of them at the Saturday Matinee and also on ealy TV. I remember when Wagon Train cost $100K a show. Roy Rogers I met a couple of times Once in Boy Scouts when he performed at a local Jamboree.

The first time was the best. My Aunt and Uncle lived next door to some close friends of the Rogers. One day we are have a family get together at my Aunts, this is in the early 50's and when fences were low so you could see into the neighbors yard. We are out in the back yard and look over next door and who is there in his White Hat? God! himself at least to us youngsters. He came over to the fence and talked to us all and later in the eventing he and Dale sang to everybody. It was a memory that to this day has stuck with all of the cousins, and we show the slides of it to our kids and grandkids.

I will let my grandkids watch the old westerns but will not let the watch the new good guy/bad guy movies, way to graphic and no singing.

Saw Hoppy driving in Hollywood in his white Caddy Covert. the with the long horn hood ornament.
And who remembers how much of a treat it was ... to be watching The Lone Ranger on Saturday morning ... and then the greatest thing would happen ..... the episode would turn out to be the very first one. Remember? The Texas Rangers are massacred but one survives! Man, what a thrill!

A fiery horse with the speed of light!!
My dad would put me in the Saturday movies when I was about 6 or 7. For 10 cents I got 2 westerns, News of the Day, at least 3 cartoons, a Travelog, a serial episode and coming attractions. I was there for over 5 hours and has 15 cents for food. Pop corn was 5 cents a bag, a coke was also a nickle and JuJubees for desert were also 5 cents.

The list missed the perennial Mexican Bandit/Bad Guy....Alfonso Bedoya. The fat Bandito in Treasure of Sierra Madre who said "We don't have to show you no stinking badges!" He was in many westerns of the 40's and 50's.

Those really were the days.
Yea. Good ol times. Go to the 'picture show' with 6 bits [50cents] get in & pig out on goodies. And like oldWrangler said, all the extras. Every evening we'd get inside to 'watch' the Lone Ranger on the radio. You could visualize every thing going on. Then back outside & play or whatever til time for bed. Then it came out. One of my friends had one. First time I saw it was looking thru a screen door. Man ol man. So that's what it looks like, and I'm getting to see one. A TV. Would ya believe it...TV. A picture show in the house. By cracky, you have one of them, you're big time. Often wondered..when the Grandkids grow up, will they call 'now' the good ol days?
my parents and the preacher at the local presbyterian church and i (age 5 ?) had a sit down and it was decided i could wear the boots in church but the hat and double six gun rig had to stay in the back hanging up with the MENS coats and hats. there was finally "peace in the valley". my dad said the sunday school teachers weren't too upset by the rig but when i snuck in some caps and stood up on a chair and started blasting away one sunday they decided enough was enough. i even wrote a letter to ROY and told him i wanted him to adopt me. to this day my dad get tears rolling down his cheeks when he tells the story he laughs so hard.
Seems the week for reminiscing…

One of the carvers has several you-tube videos on carving. While he was carving his Santa in the demonstration, he was talking about the 50's and 60's... neighborhoods, aluminum trees, glass ornaments, cowboys and such....

fond memories indeed...
Oh my those were the days when times were so much simplier and the shows like that were great. Remember quite afew and as I looked at all the actors and their years here I have to say so many of them died so young. We must be doing something right that people are living longer. Thanks for the memories.
When I was a young boy, I never went out the door without my cowboy boots, hat and sixshooter strapped to my thigh. All I ever wanted to be was a cowboy!!! Imagine my dissapointment when I found out they were all gone(mostly). I still love to watch all of the old(and some newer) cowboy movies. Just this past Sunday I watched Winchester 73 after the Bears game. Nothing like those old movies.

Great post, and certainly a trip down that lane of old memories.

Thanks for posting that!!

Thanks for the memories. There were very few that I did not remember at least the names if not all of the faces.

Those were the days, and I look back with very fond memories of the way the movies were then, and miss the clean, straight forward approcah with good morals and teaching. Nowdays, although I enjoy seeing the special effects, I am not crazy about the language, the lack of moral fiber, the cramming down our throats of what others think is OK such as alternative life styles and such. I miss the fun and the good times, like, although not a western, a very good show that I had the privilige of seeing the star in person when I was young. That is---

"Francis, the talking mule"

Thanks :biggrin:
Hit the wrong button.....lost the last message.

I have a PowerPoint presentation with music that is also alone this line....very good in fact! Just found out I cann't attach it.....if anyone would like to see it, let me know and I'll send it to you via an e-mail attachment.

Now, if I could just figure out how to make it work easily on a website....

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