A nightmare

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Mar 1, 2007
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA.
We all dream, and I think we all generally forget what we dreamed even before we wake up or else a few seconds later. Well this was a dream gone bad last night, and it didn't just fade away.

I woke up and made my cup of coffee. I stepped out the door onto the back deck, took a sip of coffee and then was about to head down to the shop. But...I'm looking out the back and the shop is not there. I see in the distance a very large puddle, like there was a flood. I look where the shop is and there is no water. There is no evidence that a building ever even was there, as it was just a flat chunk of ground with grass on it. There's no way the barn could be washed away in a flood, the poles are 5 foot deep and the concrete wouldn't go with it. I see way off in the woods is a barn surrounded by water. But that is not my shop. I hear bulldozers next door. I look off to the right and I see 3 store condo's nearing the end of construction...but you can't build condo's there and that's my neighbor's house, or was.
Now I'm sitting at the table trying to inventory all that is lost. And I am concerned about a project I am contracted to do but is now gone and I have no wood or tools to build another. I'm concerned about how much will the insurance cover and how do I inventory the massive amount of things I own. I don't own as much big ticket items as I do small items and we all know that the small items add up to the largest sum. And finally...I'm trying to explain to the insurance people about the loss of my $20,000 CNC verticle boring metal lathe which I never owned in the first place, but figured I should! Then I woke up and went to work. :redface:
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A long time ago, I used to keep a journal of sorts to track my dreams. I think I got the idea in a psych class or something. Whenever you wake up (morning or in the middle of the night), you write down what you remember about your dreams. I did it for a while, but it got a little too weird for me. If you spend much time thinking about and recording your dreams, they develop a continuity that is unsettling. There are patterns to your dreams that you don't detect until you study them. I think that was the point of the classroom exercise.
Could be worse I've been retired now for 7 years and every once in I while I have a dream I'm back at the nuclear plant where I used to work on a contract and I can't get out of it or end the contract. Really scary.
Sure I checked to be sure the shop was still there. One of the worst things was thinking what was I going to do with any spare time I have...watch TV all the time ?! YIKES! I can't image life without someplace to go and relieve your stress.
The worst dream i ever made was going to my shop, my wife was on the lathe turning woods and she look at me saying: Wow that is fun, i think i will get here and do it more often, this will give you time to clean around a bit :(

Glad i woke up :)

The nightmare was not about my wife coming to the shop, it was about cleaning it !!!:)
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