A New Laser Cut Segmented Pattern

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Ken Wines

Feb 7, 2013
Charleston, WV
A new laser cut segmented pattern for the Sierra or as far that goes could be adapted to other hardware. Actually, the pattern itself is not all that new. I found it in a German ornamental design book that was published in the 1840's and is part of the online digital archives of the New York Public Library. I can't read German ... but I do like to look at pictures

There are 68 total pieces in the assembly. There are 36 maple segments, 30 walnut segments, and 2 walnut ring segments that go on the ends of the blank. The pieces stay in place fairly well during construction as shown in the 2nd photo. I assemble the blank around a transfer punch one row at time, wrapping rubber bands around the rows as each row is completed. After all 68 pieces are assembled, I slide the blank off the transfer punch and glue up the pieces without the brass tube being inserted. The blank could be constructed around the brass tube and flooded with CA from the outer surface. The brass would need to be centered in the length of the blank which is considerably longer than the brass if you go this route. On a degree of difficulty for this blank, if a tumbling dice pattern is a 10, I would rate this pattern at a 5 or 6.


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