A little Visitor

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Feb 11, 2010
Chicago Heights
Right outside my window I have a nice sized bush that the sparrows tend to fly into and hang out. My computer is right next to the window and it's normal for me to be working and hear them sing or bicker back and forth. I'm sitting here yesterday and suddenly there is a lot of bickering but a much more distressful sound. Then I hear the bush being shaken around. I thought one of the neighborhood kids was being an idiot or a squirrel was causing issues so I quickly open my blinds to see what is going on. I can see something in the bush and the bush shaking violently and then a flash of something goes to my fence. I grab the camera and run to the back door and see this guy sitting on the fence. These shots were taken through the window so they are not the best but I knew if I opened the door he would of been gone.



Needless to say the sparrows have not been hanging out today :)
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Looks like what we used to call a Sparrow Hawk. Don't know the correct name, we had them around here in years past. Small Hawk with coloring like a Sparrow.
Beautiful bird. I guess felt like your bush was a buffet for him. Hope the sparrows return. It is nice having birds nearby that you can watch without being seen.
Doesn't look big enough for a Red tail. I have a bunch of Red tails that live near me and they are quite large. When they are about the only birds that tend to make any noise are the Stellar jays. The mockingbirds that are usually very vocal get very quiet. The mocking birds live in the very top of a big pine next to my yard so I think they feel vulnerable.
guess you didn't realize your bird feeder was a real bird feeder! we have redtails in our area and they have set off my house alarm twice when attacking first a bird, then a rabbit outside our patio slider (motion detector picked them up).
I don't think it is a redtail either. We have tons of them in teh summertime. Some years, there will be one on every Electric pole for miles. That guy is pretty small for a redtail. Beautiful animal whatever it is!

Thanks for sharing these pics!
I saw something similar a while back. I heard a commotion and as I looked, I saw a puff of feathers floating to the ground. I went outside to investigate and all I saw was mockingbird feathers on the ground. Not one body part.
I think this is a red-sholdered hawk. The body colors are similar to the red-tailed hawk. The tail feathers are not as long as the red-tailed hawk.

Beautiful bird.
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