Some here might be surprised that I do any flat work at all after seeing all my turnings but I do like to have a change now and again and make a few flat work good sellers at craft sales.
Glued these three 10 x 16 cutting boards up last night and before lunch today I had squared then off , planed , rounded corners , routed edges , and sanded and applied first application of mineral oil.
I used Titebond 111 on these this time because it is supposed to be even more water resistant than Titebond 11. It was my first experience with it. I picked it up while in the city yesterday and although it was $5.00 a quart more than Titebond 11 , I found it very nice to work with.
Glued these three 10 x 16 cutting boards up last night and before lunch today I had squared then off , planed , rounded corners , routed edges , and sanded and applied first application of mineral oil.
I used Titebond 111 on these this time because it is supposed to be even more water resistant than Titebond 11. It was my first experience with it. I picked it up while in the city yesterday and although it was $5.00 a quart more than Titebond 11 , I found it very nice to work with.