A First Segmenting Attempt

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Jan 20, 2014
Friendswood, Tx
OK, a little scared of really intense segmenting. My wife and I have attempted to turn Kallenshan blanks with rare success. But, here is a two piece segmenting pen. It is a PSI Tycoon (Jr Gent II??) with green and gold swirls (my complements to Eugene Soto who custom made the blanks).

C&C for a first segment?!!


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Looks like you're off to a great start.

Once you tackle straight joints, move on to some angle cuts and spend some time learning how to glue/clamp joints on an angle. After that, the sky is the limit :)
Ronald, the pen looks fine, good color combo.

Looks like your turning skills are good. Trying to figure out why you are having trouble turning lasered blanks. If they are glued up properly, they should turn easily if you are not too aggressive. If you are having trouble post something in "penturning" and maybe you can get the answer to help you with those blanks and angled segmenting.
Nice simple, clean and well balanced segmenting. :good::good:
Most often, getting the combination of colours and balance across the pen, of a simple segmentation and selecting the appropriate kit, is far more impressive than any complex segmentation. Well done!!
Excellent pen... The colors are very complimentary. Bet it looks awesome in person... I'll PM my address :tongue:
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