A couple of roughed out blanks

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Dale Lynch

Dec 12, 2011
No parts to put them with but still making blanks anyway.I decided that after seeing this style a few times that I would give it a go.The left one is made of Myrtle burl,Teak,Walnut,Redwood burl,Zebra,and Black locust burl.The right one is Redwood burl,Zebra.Flame box elder, black locust burl,and Walnut.

Not difficult to make but a pain in the arse to decide on what to use.

Oops,forgot to mantion the Padauk spacers.


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Very Nice! That is going to be a fun turn. The anticipation is already getting to me and I don't even own the blanks. Hurry up and get that done so we can see the results.

By the way, I made one almost that complex and it was a pain in the ass to make. The glue up took quite some time, but sanding the different peices to get the snug, true fit was the thing that drove me round the bend. Good job.
Don't get too anxious cause like I said I have no parts to complete them.So they'll just sit around for awhile.When I do get around to ordering some components to finish them I think I'll make bullet americanas.
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