A couple of early ones and my latest.

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
Thes blanks show a progress line with these small pieces. The one on the right is my latest and may be an improvement as the pieces are not so small, the ebony is a better choice of timber, and I sanded the bandsaw marks a bit better. Comments appreciated. IMG_2747.JPG
The design on the left looks better in thumbnail than close up.
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Nice work Alan. I am amazed at how prolific you are with these. You're really churning them out. I think I would be cross eyed by now.
Thes blanks show a progress line with these small pieces. The one on the right is my latest and may be an improvement as the pieces are not so small, the ebony is a better choice of timber, and I sanded the bandsaw marks a bit better. Comments appreciated.View attachment 353997
The design on the left looks better in thumbnail than close up.
The one on the right looks great. Great progress.
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