A circuit board by any other name...

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Is not as GREEN!!

"Marketing guy" here, ready to speak heresy, so everyone stand up and listen.

Bruce (119), Continue to make your pens and make them available on the IAP. Just change your emphasis to "Recycled from REAL circuit boards". May want to put together a small "info card" on how many circuit boards hit the dump every year and how many centuries it takes for a circuit board to become good "fertilizer". There is a CULTURE around GREEN products. Helping the environment is "IN". CApitalize on it!!!

Yes, Berea will sell theirs too, but we are assuming THEY are buying the "green board" new and just embedding it. This CONTRIBUTES to the pollution (minimally), but Bruce's are certainly more "GREEN".

When the world sends you lemons, go find some vodka and you can make one heck of a nice afternoon!!
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Bruce (119), Continue to make your pens and make them available on the IAP. Just change your emphasis to "Recycled from REAL circuit boards"

Thanks Ed

You are correct they are made from real boards that were headed for the dump. They are made by one mans blood, sweat & tears. NOT a bunch of overworked, underpaid, over seas mass producers.

I'll bite...

How much are your blanks Bruce? The Circuit Board Blank and (after viewing your site) the birch bark blank?
Now if I use Bruce119's blanks to make some pens and sell them here in California, do I have to put the Prop 65 notice on them? It is basicly a notice on every thing sold in California that the product may contain substance that are known by the State of California to cause cancer. Or am I safe just uning the Green Blanks and not the Red or Blue?

Just joking, I think
Heh, I'd say considering the resin used, shavings discarded, kits manufactured, it would be tough to hit a 'Green' angle. Good idea, but you have to be able to back that claim up, and it's a tough thing to do. We're going through that where I work.
I'm thinking it will soon take less than hundreds of years to break down a circuit board. Scientist have discovered micro-organisms that feed on plastic, and not only that, but these organisms are multiplying and spreading. The bi-product of these "algae" like creatures is oil, just like crude oil. It's quite astounding..perhaps more proof of evolution? Regardless, a 50 gallon drum full of plastic grocery bags is converted into oil by these creatures in about a month.

I still agree with the assessment of course that it would be good marketing just as Ed has put it.
I missed that in the bible:

"On the eighth day, the "making power" looked upon all things and said, 'Thou art OIL and to OIL thou shalt return!!'"
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