Thanks Guys!
As far as running a contest, you would get to make up the rules and announce the beginning of the contest. You arrange the judges, judge the contest, and distribute prizes to the winners. For the Daily Trivia contest this is every day, so would involve some daytime attention.
If I get enough volunteers I would like to split up the trivia so that each person would only have to do a week's worth. Last year the Daily Trivia about wore those guys out after a whole month! So I'm trying to make it better this year.
I will do the Ugly Pen Contest myself, because it gives me an excuse to have fun with the contestants!
The Pen and Penturner contest is actually very short duration - most of the work there is in setting it up. You need to find the pens, capture the image, prepare the post for the contest with all the images embedded in it, and then announce the contest. Then the entries come in by E-Mail, and you award prizes to the first ones with the right answer, which can be determined from the time stamp on the E-Mail.
The article contest will require some setting up in that people will be asked to nominate the best article during the past three months (Oct., Nov. and Dec.), then we will post links to those articles and have people vote. At the end of the voting we'll tabulate the vote and award prizes to both the author and the person who nominated them.
One other contest, which I am not able to explain fully yet, will be one where people post entries, and then you have judges pick the best entries, and award prizes. So this one could be done mostly in the evenings.
Bruce, watch for an E-Mail.
Thanks everybody!