I also wish to thank my fellow service personnel, and their families, for their sacrifices. I especially hold a place of gratitude in my heart for those who gave all so that I may live free. I am fortunate to have several friends who are veterans ranging from WWII to presently serving, and as mentioned, it is a brotherhood bond which makes us family. Those who are not a part of it will never understand it and those who are a part, will never forget it. Again, many thanks to my brothers and sisters for their service!!!!
I also want to thank those who were not in the military but have taken the time to offer your gratitude. I have noticed for some time now, and it can be seen in this thread ( 140+ views and only 14 posts), is that the majority of those who offer a "Thanks for serving" is getting to be more and more limited to fellow vets. Not that there isn't any gratitude out there these days, it simply seems the general populus has again begun to forget the price that has been, is, and will be paid to keep this nation standing under a banner of freedom and democracy. President Calvin Coolidge once stated, "The nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten." We can see more and more this nation is becoming less and less of what it was in the eyes of the world. Even the patriotism that was set afire by 9-11 has dwindled for the most part to where it was prior to the attack.
To end my vent of sorts, I encourage everyone, that whenever you see a U.S. flag to take the time and consider what it represents, especially the colors. Then take the time to ponder that someone died so that you could have the things you have, do the things you do, even say publicly the things you say. As is said, "Freedom isn't free!"
Semper Fi!!
USMC 1977-80