7mm tubes too tight

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Sep 17, 2012
Seattle, WA
When assembling my slims and comforts, the 7mm tubes are too tight on the transmission. What should I do? Silicone on the transmission, or what?
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Could be just the ends that have crushed. If you have a pipe reamer, chamfer the ends and test again. A file may work as well.
When assembling my slims and comforts, the 7mm tubes are too tight on the transmission. What should I do? Silicone on the transmission, or what?
I have this happen on all of my bullet pens as I solder my tubes in and the heat shrinks it ever so little and making the tranny too tight, so I always file mine.

When assembling my slims and comforts, the 7mm tubes are too tight on the transmission. What should I do? Silicone on the transmission, or what?
I have this happen on all of my bullet pens as I solder my tubes in and the heat shrinks it ever so little and making the tranny too tight, so I always file mine.


I make a lot of bullet pens but I use a .249" chucking reamer to resize the id of the tubes, it is quick and repeatable.
If you don't have any glue in the upper tube, Slowly file the dimples on the silver part of the tranny until it fits better, I have a reamer I use after I square my blanks
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