Finally got done putting away the photo stuff after taking pictures all day. 665 total photos taking up 1.44gb.
What was really nice was that the camera was hooked up to the laptop, so all pictures donloaded instantly, but I needed to take a beak and wait for the camera batteries to charge. Anyway, I took probably 10 photos of each pen/pencil so I can look at the up close and figure out which ones I want to use on the web.
Do you all take a bunch of photos and then select the best one for each pen, or do you do like one or two and work with it in the photo program?
What was really nice was that the camera was hooked up to the laptop, so all pictures donloaded instantly, but I needed to take a beak and wait for the camera batteries to charge. Anyway, I took probably 10 photos of each pen/pencil so I can look at the up close and figure out which ones I want to use on the web.
Do you all take a bunch of photos and then select the best one for each pen, or do you do like one or two and work with it in the photo program?