6 lbs. Click Pens - $14!!!

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Mar 14, 2008
Loudonville, NY, USA.
I just had to throw this out there. Wow, talk about the cheap, plastic, mass produced choices in life. Anyway, for you custom pen makers out there, this could actually be a way to get literally a pile of random pen kit pieces. Definitely for the creative ones....

Or, we could all just chip in and buy the lot to take the supply off of the market. : )

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Alright, I couldn't resist! I ordered a batch. It came to $20 ($19.98).

We''ll see what I end up with.

It will be a while before I get them, but if someone wants to split them with me (that didn't want to order the whole lot), I would gladly share. I'm not sure if I could ever do something will all of them. Just let me know and we can work something out.

I'm curious simply based on the sheer volume here!
I usually pick up a few of those at Ocean State Job Lots when I stop in
there. They blow them out cheap and it gives me a pen to tear apart and
see if I can use the parts to do something in the shop. So far, they're just
sitting in my 'someday project' pile..
That's plenty cheap for pen projects.. cheaper than doing kit bashing with
parts from dayacom..
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