500 Posts

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JBCustomPens has just hit FIVE HUNDRED POSTS-CONGRATULATIONS. You should see his green pen.

cc: Bruce
I've said it before & I'll say it again " You have to be part of the elite group here to get your post count announced.

With all due respect Sir; Do it for everyone or quit doing it!!:mad: It's my rant! If there's a point to you making the announcement, by all means do it. I for one, see no point in it!
I've said it before & I'll say it again " You have to be part of the elite group here to get your post count announced.

With all due respect Sir; Do it for everyone or quit doing it!!:mad: It's my rant! If there's a point to you making the announcement, by all means do it. I for one, see no point in it!
I do it just to irritate you and Bruce.:tongue:
Toni, Toni, Toni.......

then what:confused:

  1. Inspiring newbies to continue posting and being involved with a great bunch of artists
  2. Giving acknowledgment to successes
  3. Adding a perk to someone who has forgotten how important their posts are to the group
  4. Exposing skeptics
  5. Giving cause to celebrate
  6. Poking "lurkers" to post something (which HAS worked)
  7. Promotes interest in the site
Out of all the complaining and criticism I have not yet seen a valid reason for not doing it. :)

Do you post ALL great milestones? 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 etc? Do you ask the individual first if they WANT to be exposed in such a manner?

Yes you may be proding some lurkers into posting something - IF it matters to them that their post count will some day be "awarded" by public recognition. Then again you might be "putting them off" IF they don't like to be put in the spotlight and are not given a choice about having this announcement made.

If you don't announce EVERYONE who reaches some auspicious level of posts then it really matters very little to attempt to achieve any given level since there is no guarantee that your "success" will be acknowledged. (As seems to be indicated by one of the above posts.)

If this is to acknowledge success - then is the definition of success simply making 500 (or whatever the number is) posts? The reason I am pointing out this particular question is this: In the old days before we moved to this site everyone's post numbers were listed by their names - you could easily see who had how many posts.
It was actually somewhat competitive - but what happened in this competitive nature would be that someone would come on and post one line comments on something that was fairly simply just in order to get a number - this isn't a success. This is spending a few minutes saying "NJGP" to every person who posts a photo regardless of what the pen even looks like.
Success is IMHO (for what little it may be worth) is inspiring someone to try something new, giving someone truly constructive criticism that helps them further improve their craft or helping an IAP friend through a rough time (such as the loss of their home to a natural disaster - we were all here for one of our buddies that day/week/month etc.) So - do you only count the posts that have a little "meat" to them or do the "bones" count too?

Personally - I don't care if you post someone's post count, and I'm really not sure why it bothers others - that is their business. I'm just playing devil's advocate and putting a little different spin on the topic.
Not sure who I am take a look at the stats - I'm just another old timer who took a little break - and I hope that when I do post (which is more lately since we have tried to be more available) it is done either to have some fun with people, answer a question to the best of my ability or to fulfill at least one of the reasons I stated above.

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