Les, you are amazing me every time with your innovation and quality in everything you do I venture to say you are in my estimation the most prolific maker of these items on this site from a home base in the IAP, for some years I have run out of superlatives to describe how I receive your next offering and inventive magic. I also doubt there are more cosistant photographs ever of the items you make they are done I know simply with great repeatability from the onset of your membership.
I wonder how many of us even know about you skill making working wooden locks or your infinite skill on the scroll saw, your workshop cleanliness ,treatment of machinery, your incredible skills in casting with examples of your own tied flies encase on white with completely clear cast over tied fly with trace and swivel.
If I have a regret it is not using a colour printer and printing your offerings on this and other forums as innovator and perfectionist.
This post attracted a like from Capt Garry another man I have huge admiration for his humanity and abilities so freely shared with us I count you both as good friends and you make me proud to know you.
Kind regards Peter.