4th pen, 1st segmented pen

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Sep 7, 2016
Certainly not as good as what you guys turn out but I'm happy with the progress I'm making. Basically I took several eBay pen blanks and attempted to "slice" them up on my bandsaw at different depths and such. I ended up with this. Like I said, it's not what you guys turn out but I was pretty excited about the results, especially considering the dismal failures of my first two attempts.

I still have a ways to go, but I'm hitting the ground running!


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One "attaboy" for Howard!!! I like the use of contrasting woods.

Couple things: 1 - when you have a 2 tube pen, work to keep the "flow" of the blank consistent form the 1st to the 2nd tube. 2 - continue your work on finishing.

Looking forward to being even more blown away in the future.

Very nice Howard! A great effort for just starting.

Beware, while pen turning is addicting, segmenting is a very deep, deep worm hole!

Enjoy and have FUN!

With my waistline being what it is, I hope the wormhole is relatively wide also. LOL

I retired almost two years ago and have set up a cottage industry of sorts doing some custom powder coating of Yeti and RTIC cups which will definitely offset the costs associated with this. I picked up a lathe in order to do something that would be fun, and not business. Surprisingly, after posting a couple pics of my early attempts, I am already having folks ask what I charge for pens. LOL

Never intended for that to happen. I'm still not sure if it will.
One "attaboy" for Howard!!! I like the use of contrasting woods.

Couple things: 1 - when you have a 2 tube pen, work to keep the "flow" of the blank consistent form the 1st to the 2nd tube. 2 - continue your work on finishing.

Looking forward to being even more blown away in the future.


Good points Ted. When I took that pic, I didn't realize that I failed to line up the segments better. They really line up nicely. I'm using some eBay pen kits and there's a lot of play in the mechanism that causes the pen to not look as lined up as it should. I'm sure the more expensive pen kits don't do that. For now, these will be great to practice on and possibly give away.

Thanks for the input!
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