38th Chapter meeting.

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Feb 28, 2008
Loganville, Georgia, USA.
Our 38th Meeting will be held on Saturday March 31st. Yep the day before Easter. Although I'm sure we all have a full weekend. Hope as many as possible can make it.

We had a few Demo's planned from our last meeting. If the guys are still willing to do them this meeting it would be great
As always and=y Demo ideas and volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

See everyone soon.

Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Welcome! They are posted here. We also have to around Woodcraft and members' availability. However, there's usually more than several weeks' notice. Hope to see you.
Dave, as presently set the date for meetings in 2018 are: 3/31/18, 6/16/18, 9/15/18 and 12/15/18.

Hope you can make the meetings. We look forward to meeting you.


I was just informed by the one who runs my household that our family reunion starts at noon on Saturday, not 2pm as I was just told that never came out of her mouth. Therefore I will be unable to attend. Although I had much rather be with you guys, I can't really afford a the doctor bills or possible divorce if I bail on the reunion.

Hope everyone who comes has a great time and Happy Easter to everyone
Hi Folks: Unless there are volunteers to do something..anything, I am going to attend to some chores...I won't bore you with the list.I do love the fellowship though!
evening folks,
I had the pleasure of meeting a very nice gentleman tonight who contacted me with a proposal For the Group. His name is Lee Carr and will be attending the meeting on Saturday. He's looking for Georgia pen markers for an awesome project he is working on. I was very impressed with what I heard tonight and think it would be a great opportunity for those who would be interested in whats he is proposing. Please welcome him and hear what he has to say. Would be a great opportunity to make some nice high quality pens and get PAID!! Lee has a extensive back ground in marketing and has offered to do a demo for us on marketing and selling pens for those of us who who do it for more than just a hobby. If you do shows and festival or have a website for sales, I think he can offer some great advise. He is also going to reach out to some of his contacts who do photography and see if can get us demo set up for that as well.

Hope everyone has a great time, and a happy Easter.

Also keep a look out in the coming weeks regarding our June meeting. I'll be contacting some of you for demo's and possible other activities to hopefully make it one of our best meetings, so stay tuned. One thing I would like to ask of everyone is to bring a friend, someone your teaching or a child to the meeting. One of my goals that I have discussed with some members is getting the younger generation involved. We have tons of talent among our group and we need to pass it along.

God bless
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Nice to see everyone again. Thanks for stepping up and getting things rolling, Ben! I enjoyed hearing from Lee Carr and his ideas to market high-end, historically significant pens. He seemed to find a receptive crowd. :)
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