3 Cheers for Constant Laubscher

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Jan 25, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
3 Cheers for Constant Laubscher and Lazerlinez!

Hip, hip - huzzah!
Hip, hip - huzzah!
Hip, hip - HUZZAH!

So, there I was, finally convinced to try out a Sierra. Why was I convinced? Well, it was because Constant was offering a big ol' discount (32% (!)) to we IAP folks and because I have a friend who is a breast cancer survivor and because I've always wanted to try out a laser-cut kit.

Sooooooo, I jumped on over to lazerlinez and ordered myself a pink ribbon kit for a Sierra. While I was there, I was feeling patriotic and decided to order a double maple leaf kit, also for a Sierra.

At 32% off, my order total was about what it costs me for a coffee at Starbuck's and I figured that if the kits were crap or if laser cut wood sucked, or any other bad things came to pass, I didn't have a lot invested so there'd be no heartache on my part.

Well, folks, fast-forward a few days and here we are. I have in my hand a well packed (well, formerly well-packed, but I've since ripped it open) Priority Mail box from Constant.

I excitedly dumped it out and found inside a bag with my maple leaf kit in it, and a strange tube with a bazillion puzzle pieces in it. I frantically pawed through all the styrofoam "popcorn" and shook the box like a madman but nothing else came out.

I was despondent.

I was upset.

I was even bummed.

I REALLY wanted to make that pink ribbon kit for my friend (a former girlfriend, still on good terms) and was a little miffed that I got the puzzle kit (as nice as it is) instead of her cancer kit.

I started packing the puzzle kit back up so I could send it back to Constant and ask him to send me a ribbon kit instead.

Then I had another look at my maple leaf kit....

Guess what? That's right: The ribbon kit was in the bag with my leafs.

Guess what else? That's right: This means that the puzzle kit was a FREEBIE!

Not a freebie for an established customer, mind you, but a freebie for a bum who only ordered a couple of kits because they were 32% off and therefore almost free themselves.

So, yeah, I got a freebie on top of two near-freebies, and it all arrived super-duper fast via Priority Post.

Hot-dang, now THAT is some top-notch service.

Thank you incredibly much, Constant, and I WILL be frequenting your business more often.

Much more often.


Gary (have to dig out my lathe SOON, because I have flames and ribbons and puzzles and leaves to turn!)
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3 Cheers for Constant Laubscher and Lazerlinez!

Guess what? That's right: The ribbon kit was in the bag with my leafs.

Guess what else? That's right: This means that the puzzle kit was a FREEBIE!

Not a freebie for an established customer, mind you, but a freebie for a bum who only ordered a couple of kits because they were 32% off and therefore almost free themselves.

Hot-dang, now THAT is some top-notch service.

Thank you incredibly much, Constant, and I WILL be frequenting your business more often.

Much more often.

Oh no. I was missing a Texas flag sierra kit and emailed Constant. Of course he quickly responded, and is mailing me my missing kit. I better go make sure my "missing kit" isn't in my puzzle kit bag.
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