21 Days

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
To my IAP extended family: It has been 21 days since I had my last dip of smokeless tobacco! I have not cheated in the slightest bit and have even been around folks doing it and have not been tempted. I am actually vary happy to not have that crap in my mouth all the time and to not be a slave to some stupid "worm dirt" as my daughter called it!

I am still using the patch so am still cheating a little but at least it is helping with the withdrawal. Today I switched to the middle does patch and will use it for 2 weeks and then switch to the lowest does for 2 weeks. Then I will be nicotine free as well.

Not going to say it has been easy. The desire to dip was gone the moment I decided to quit. The physical effects of lower nicotine levels really sucked though. The first week was quite rough with no energy, lack of focus, mental cloudiness, irritability, and general feeling of malaise. That has gotten better though.

Anyway, just thought I would post a progress update for all you fine folks who gave me support when I first posted that I quit. I honestly feel that you all had a lot to do with my resolve. I certainly could not let down my IAP family!!
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I quit in 1982 after 45+ years of smoking and have never looked back. It was tough but worth it. Stay strong. It does get easier the longer you do.
Put it this way, whatever money you've saved from not smoking can go towards some high end kits. So it'll be a win win situation :biggrin::biggrin:
You've the whole IAP behind you.
Congratulations are certainly in order:biggrin:. I smoked cig, cigars, pipes for many years. Quit 25 years ago, no regrets. I've not been tempted to start back but for some reason a freshly light cigarette stills smells good. Go figure:frown:. Keep up the good work, think of all the money you'll save, not to mention a very happy family:wink:

Great start Curtis.

Don't let your guard down. And don't "have a few beers". Those are the times most people decide, "Well, ONE won't hurt!!"


Once addicted, ALWAYS addicted.
People call it a disease, but it never heals--you can only CONTROL your actions, not your desires.

Atta boy Curtis, Like I said in the I Quit post you need three weeks to kick the habit then those patches should be able to help you greatly. From here on out it should get easier. I am so proud of you and I am sure your own family is as well. especially your cute little daughter now won't call them worm dirt any more since she won't see them under your lips.
You are well on your way buddy. and, most importantly you did this at a good young age that down the road it will help you. I have had too many folks that quit, but not soon enough to avoid some of the side illnesses that come from smoking, God bless you and your family and glad you are doing the right thing.
And, for the sake of Neil's (Wolftat) kiss you want to continue the good work.:tongue::biggrin:
Curtis, look at the tools you can buy now that your not dipping, lot of money and your health are being saved. I quit smoking Jan 1st, 1999 and don't miss it in the least. Keep up the good work.
Congrats Buddy.

Good thing I didnt have to get the other members Of CenTexIAP to go pay you a visit and confiscate the worm dirt.

We would have replaced it with Some Tequila,............
were not that mean......:biggrin:
Curtis, congrats. I know you can do it. I quit smoking 18 months ago after smoking 2 packs a day for over 50 years. It has been difficult at times and I have had some dreams while asleep that I was having a few beers and smoking and woke up in a very bad mood. Anyway, keep up the good work.
Curtis that's wonderful! Congrats! I'll "back you up" all the way. Your a 3 weeks closer to being free.
Curtis, i'm happy as all get out for you, quitting Tobacco is HARD, I smoked for 30 years and quit about 16 yeas ago, best thing I ever did, Stay with it.
Well heck, Lupe, if that is what it takes to get you all to come visit with some tequila, then I might just have to start back again!
Ah,ah no. don't start back again. We'll come and bring the tequila and all those goodies we brought last time just tell us when. Plus we are supposed to come up to video the CA finish remember. We haven't heard form you yet. We figured you'd need sometime to get the quitting under control. We are waiting for you to give us the green light. Plus those cactuses are in prie time to be harvested, so we can give you hands.
BTW,that was Travis who videoed last time,but can't tell if he sold the tutor.?
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Way to go Curtis!
My wife told me about a show she watched where they were monitoring brain activity of people trying to quit tobacco. They showed similar results to heroin addicts! Very powerfully addictive.
All the more reason to be proud of yourself for kicking the habit!
Great Curtis. Stay with it. Stay on guard. Doesn't it feel great when you do something signigicant like this! You absolutely can do it!
Congrats Curtis, You are an inspiration to others as well. Still thoughts and prayers for you as you break the nicotine's hold. I still think it is the habit that most people have the hardest time getting over. And you have that one in the bag.
I quit!

Outstanding display of will and determination.

I have quit many times... Sometimes for months, twice for at least 2 years.
Its now been 10 years since I had 'a chew'. Many days I know I could pick up right where I left off.
Then I think of the dental problems I've had - attributed by my dentist to the sugars added in chewing tobacco. And then I think of my neighbor's son - who at 17 had his lower jaw removed in a cancer surgery attributed to the pinch between the lip and gum.
That's really great Curtis!!! Congrats! Very best wishes for continued success!!!
Keep it up !!! It will get easier
I quit cigs Nov 10th 09 after 30 yrs.
save myself over $1,600 so far!!!
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