2009 Midwest Penturning Gathering . . .

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Oct 4, 2005
Sadorus, IL.
Just a teaser for now. Plans for the 3rd annual MPG are underway and 2009 looks to be better than 2008. Keep an eye open for updates!!!! For those curious as to a date, we are seriously considering pushing it back into April so that we can have a show/sale set up outside for the public. And of course, inside there will be many demonstrations with some talk of a "hands on" or two!!
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Looking forward to the MPG! Thanks for making it a great event, Greg. Since Billy is going south, I'll have to make a new friend for the trip.

Oh, and I am planning on upgrading my "pen blank" sign to a sandwich board.:biggrin: It should offer more protection.
Where is it held at?

Champaign Il. All you need to do is drive yourself up to St. Joseph and head east on US 36 (I-72 in Illinois)! I have been told it is worth the drive!!!

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I wish something would happen in Tennessee or Alabama, even Mississippi

I thought that once also!! So I made it happen!!! Well, I opened the doors, it was the turners in attendance that made it happen!!!!

Yeah, but 6.5hrs each way might be a bit much
In 2007 and 2008 we drew attendees from 8 states and from as far away as Texas!!!!! Attedance was 52 in '07 and 74 this year. Wonder if we can break 100 in '09?!!! And hey, if ya buy the gas now and store it . . . . .!!! LOL!!!! If anything, there are those who will agree, the poppers alone are worth the trip!!!!!!!

Chances are good that I will be returning home from visiting some of the wife's family in SE Nebraska and SW Iowa just a day or two prior to the event. I 'll pass by St Joseph on the way home and can give ya a lift to Illinois!!!!!! :D
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Greg: Good to hear the info about the MPG for next year. This year was the first year that my father and I had attended and we are looking forward to the next one. May want to keep in mind that if you are going to have it in April, Easter weekend is the 11th and 12th of April. I remind you of this because I remember that Easter came early this year and you guys had to re-schedule it from your original date because of this.
Towmater; I live in northeast Missouri and would be taking the I-72 highway like Greg pointed out above, maybe you could meet us in Hannibal and we could either carpool or you could follow us up to the meeting. We can discuss that further in the future if you are interested. Greg keep us informed.
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