Has a date been selected for the next meeting? Seems like September was mentioned. I'm probably gonna miss it anyway. I have a lot of "extra curricular" stuff going on that month.
I think I heard Robert say he wanted to know what days you could not make it, so he could schedule it for then! :tongue:
Where are the meetings held at, I live in waycross is their a chapter closer to me.
Can someone demo a closed end? That one still confounds me. I'm nowhere near ready to turn one, but I'd love to watch it made.
I have a closed end mandrel, if no one else steps up. That is if y'all can put up with me 2 meeting in a row. I guess I need to check with my agent...
Can't wait for the meeting! Couple of great demos and lots of great people to hang with! Thanks guys!
Are you sure you were at OUR meeting? LOL.....Hope to see ya' there!
Can't wait for the meeting! Couple of great demos and lots of great people to hang with! Thanks guys!
Sounds like it is going to be a great meeting. I hate that I will miss it.
Hey, I've got a coule of Majestic Jr clips that I can bring with me for you to use in the demo if you'd like. Just let me know!
Robert I hope that I can do my demo early. I would like to make it up to Helen for the symposium that afternoon. If that works for Brooks.
Fine by me Russell. It'll give me time to wake up before handling the power tools :biggrin:
SO many jokes...so little time.....
OK, it looks like we have the order for the demos, and that will be Russell up first in the am..around 10:15 or 10:30am and then we will have Brooks up in the afternoon slot....
It sure does........Robin does an excellent job doesn`t she?.:biggrin:
Ok ladies and gentleman......
After hard core negotiations (Mr Boras eat your heart out) with some folks agents, we have confirmed the following.....
Mr Russell will be performing a closed end demo! (The Open End demo was cancelled due to lack of being able to obtain the appropriate septic permits...they got no sense of humor down at the permit office....)
Mr Brooks will be performing the jewel replacement demo! (this has nothing to do with farm animals...sorry to dissappoint the folks coming from Alabama)
If you would like to participate in the pen swap, please bring a finished pen, and you will be paired up with the other individuals who are bringing pens for swaps.
If you would like to trade/sell/give away any items bring those!
I have spoken with the folks at Woodcraft about having a certain amount of stock on hand so the pen turners can actually buy them while at the store, and have the extra inventory on hand. I have already asked that they have an abundance of:
Sierra Extra Tubes
Sierra Kits
IF YOU WANT TO BUY SOMETHING AT WOODCRAFT AND THEY ARE ALWAYS OUT, OR YOU ALWAYS SEEM TO BE TOO LATE IN GETTING AN ITEM....LIST IT in this thread, and I will ask that the WOODCRAFT folks order extra so there are some on hand for people. I know it is frustrating trying to buy stuff and it not be in inventory, so here is your chance to tell me what is always out, and is frustrating for you...whether it be a product or a pen kit....TELL ME NOW SO THEY CAN ORDER IT THIS WEEK FOR OUR MEETING.
I do not believe the mandrels for closed end pens are at Woodcraft. I know they are available through several of the IAP members (or used to be), and also through the Craft Supplies (or used to be).