109 in the shade!

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May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
Today at 5:07 it hit 109.4 on my Atomic thermometer clock combo, just to hot even in my air conditioned shop, need to insulate the metal ceiling, I'm pretty sure I saw a Mockingbird wipe his brow with his wing......:mad::biggrin::cool::mad:
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Stayed cool in my AC shop in Baja Oklahoma (converted garage with overhead door removed, replaced with insulated wall, French doors and window unit). LOML calls it "arctic".

to hot for me. :drink: glad I'm in the house with the AC on. however, my electric bill will proabably send me to the poorer house. :beat-up:
I live in Phoenix and work in my garage with only a couple of big fans. It has been too hot to make a pen for a couple of weeks now. Last night on the news they issued a "excessive heat" warning for the next couple of days. I really wish I could afford to air condition my garage, I miss turning pens.
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