108 F today

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Sep 3, 2007
Sacramento, CA, USA.
Well summers' here in the Central Valley. 109 at our house 110 down where MARGUM is and probably hotter down in Fresno. Thank God we don't have the humidity like the rest of the country. It was a very pleasent 76.9 in the shop about 5:30pm. Took the dogs to the dogpark at 6:30 this morning and found most of their friends there too. Tomorrow will be another hot one. I am very thankful for being retired and not having to work in the heat anymore. Will probably spend the day in the shop or take the Grandaughter to the neighborhood park to play in the water feature.
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I know my car said 108 on antioch, ca. I would say it was a little to toasty for my blood. Now if I could only bring myself to pay to run the air conditioner my wife would be alot happier.
when it gets that hot(above 95) what do you turn. I was turning some green wood yesterday and it was cracking as fast as I could turn it. I had turned some of the same wood earlier in the week when there was some humidity in the air and it was around the mid 79's with no problems. Yesterday it was pushing the 100 degree mark with 15% humidity. Welcome summer.....
its to hot to turn. blasted summer heat and the mrs. won't let me move the lathe into the house...... :crying:
I promise to clean up the mess.....
I'm with you. I have a set up in my 1 car garage, and turn at night. Still to hot, can't focus with sweat rolling down all parts....
That kind of weather means it's time to sketch and design new pens to make when it's cooler.

Of course, it's been topping out at around 90 here. :p
I know the feeling, I am about 10 miles from Death Valley. We are suppose to be 109 tomorrow, and climbing. Does anyone know what the effect of such heat will have on casting Alumilite and storage of it.
Tom, It even got a little warm in this side of the hill yesterday. Man have I been spoiled with this spring. We only got to the 90s over here though. I guess this is one time I should be happy not to be in your neighborhood.
The AC in the shop started giving up about 5:30pm the sun was beating down on it a was having a hard time, will put up some type of shade for it. The shop got to 83.5 about 7pm which is still cool enough to work in. Was turning some bottle stoppers I cast with Alumilite so had the shop Vac on plus the lights and lathe. The shop is an 10 X12 Tuff Shed that is fully insulated inculding the ceiling. It has a loft which I can block off access to, to keep the cool down below. The AC is a $99 window unit from HD. I am thinking of cutting a whole in the opposite wall and putting it on the shady side of the shop. As long as I start it early enough it is fine. If I didn't run the Shop Vac/dust collector it would probably stay cooler the exhaust from that thing is pretty hot. Heat in the winter and AC in the summer is a nice thing to have.
Well summers' here in the Central Valley. 109 at our house 110 down where MARGUM is and probably hotter down in Fresno. Thank God we don't have the humidity like the rest of the country. It was a very pleasent 76.9 in the shop about 5:30pm. Took the dogs to the dogpark at 6:30 this morning and found most of their friends there too. Tomorrow will be another hot one. I am very thankful for being retired and not having to work in the heat anymore. Will probably spend the day in the shop or take the Grandaughter to the neighborhood park to play in the water feature.

I drove through Sacramento one summer... in a Corvette convertible... had my first wife with me(before she was a wife)... the 'Vette had no air and it was actually cooler with the top down, but we drove from one restuarant to the next... went inside and cooled off, then drove to the next... I'm from Texas and the heat felt good to me, but the wife to be was from San Fran and couldn't handle the heat.
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