10 things i've learned in 30 days

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Mar 27, 2009
Tampa, FL
1. Most common place to find pen bushings. Shop Vac
2. Most hated task. Truing blanks
3. Most important thing. Sharp tools
4. Most often used. Paper towels
5. Most fun. Final sanding, polishing and finishing the pen
6. All round favorite kit to make. Jr. Gentleman II
7. Worst kits I have bought. Purse Pen
8. Most consistent problem. Keeping my dogs from laying down in dust
9. Most needed new tool. Some contraption that would drill a perfectly round blank out of wood and put a perfectly centered and straight hole (of any selected size) in it and true the ends.
10. IAP web site has been the most helpful source of information on the subject of pen turning.
10 things I've learned in the past year

1. Very true , or in the pile of shavings under the lathe table .
2. Not so bad to do if you do it on the lathe .
3. Verrry true . The sharper the better .
4. Buy them by the case , it's cheaper that way .
5. Designing some of the kitless nightmares I have come up with .
6. Kitless Rules !!!
7. ^See above^
8. Comming up with the next idea that hasn't already been done a million times .
9. You already have the best tool for this ... your lathe , just get a few accessories .
10. I agree 100% on this one .
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