I do not cast blanks on a large scale, but do enjoy casting my own blanks. I love using Alumilite, but am really frustated that it only comes in 2 gal / 32 oz / or the 16 oz amounts. The 16 oz is a teaser amount for me, so I will not even consider it. The 32 oz will only last a week or two, but part B tends to start gelling right as I'm finishing the bottle (even though I keep it in the house so it stays warm). The 2 gal is too much for me and part B definately gels before I use it all. Why in the world is it not offered in a 1 gal kit. That would be sooooooo perfect!! Maybe we can stir the pot enough that Alumilite would offer a 1 gal option. Is anybody with me or am I alone on this one? What do ya think?