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  1. R

    For Sale Carbon Fiber finished tube-in pen blanks

    I just added a new pen blank. It's a Carbon Fiber tube-in pen blank, smooth pre-finish, for Sierra Twist pen kit. The pen blank is complete and ready for assembly. No turning! The blank is smooth and polished with Yorkshire grit compound and MacGuire polish. Just press together your pen kit...
  2. R

    For Sale New Faux Fordite, Chiyogami pen blanks

    I've added some new pen blanks including Whimsical Fordite, Chiyogami, and US Flag and Eagle pen blanks. These blanks are all very colorful and, as you can see from the photos, they can make some beautiful pens. The sample pens in the photos are Sierra Twist pens from PenKitsMall. These pen...
  3. R

    For Sale Faux Fordite pen blanks

    I recently posted my take on Faux Fordite. These tube-in pen blanks use images of actual Fordite blocks, adhered to pen kit specific tubes, and cast in Alumilite Slow resin. I think the pens made with these blanks are really stunning. Today. I am adding a few more that I call Faux Fordite...
  4. R

    For Sale New TRUMP Tube-in pen blanks

    I turned some pens with my new Trump pen blanks as an example of the pens you can make with these blanks. Trump "Victory" picture tube-in pen blank and Trump "Dream Big Again" signature pen blanks available for standard Sierra Twist, Gallant Twist, and .30 Cal Bolt Action pen kits for $12 each...
  5. R

    For Sale US $100 Bills tube-in pen blanks

    Here's something new. Tube-in pen blanks with US $100 bill images for Sierra, Gallant, and .30 cal Bolt Action pen kits. Regular price is $12, but use the link below to order these or any of 90 different style pen blanks from my Etsy store and get a 25% discount on your full order...
  6. R

    Tube-in and solid pen blanks

    I have a large variety of unique tube-in Alumilite pen blanks for sale in my Etsy store. Just go to and search for "rarwoodworking" to browse through my listings. I have Chiyogami art image blanks, Steampunk image, Circuit Board image, and military flag blanks. Blanks available...
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