teacher pen

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  1. teacher pen

    teacher pen

    Teacher pens are fun you can play with the shape. It was nice because you can use up scrap pieces on the ends and just have a little fun!
  2. H

    Teachers pen kits

    I've been having problems with the ink on the teachers pen kits. I had some that were on the shelf for several months and when I put them together the red ink didn't work. I bought some new ones and had the same problems. Red and Black ink didn't work very well from the new batch. I would...
  3. S

    11 yr old Son's First Pen

    Here's my 11 year old son's first try at the lathe. I think he did an excellent job. This is a Bloodwood, Ebony, and Maple combination, sanded to 600 grit and then medium CA/Mylands combo. He did everything on this pen except glue the tubes (CA dries too fast for him), and apply the medium CA...
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