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  1. Lathemaster

    New Pen Blank Release - Honor Former POWs and Those Still MIA

    National Former POW Day - April 9th Honor the courage and sacrifice of former prisoners of war with this striking, handcrafted resin cast pen blank. Featuring a beautifully detailed Betsy Ross 13-star flag as the background, this piece evokes the enduring spirit of America's earliest ideals. A...
  2. M

    Casting Molds

    All molds are from PTownSubbie and are from my husband's estate. The used ones are gently used. I believe there are plugs for all the Tube-in molds and I will confirm before closing sale. New Molds: - Shakespeare Series Tube-in 2 blank (blue) - $22.00 MK2 Shakespeare Rollerball and...
  3. American Patriot Chrome Bottle in Ruby Red Silk2.jpg

    American Patriot Chrome Bottle in Ruby Red Silk2.jpg

    Another Patriot Rollerball this time in chrome with a ruby red silk blank. I like what I call the "bottle" shape for these pens.
  4. American Patriot Chrome Bottle in Ruby Red Silk.jpg

    American Patriot Chrome Bottle in Ruby Red Silk.jpg

    Another Patriot Rollerball this time in chrome with a ruby red silk blank. I like what I call the "bottle" shape for these pens.
  5. American Patriot Ant Pewter Bottle in Rosewood2.jpg

    American Patriot Ant Pewter Bottle in Rosewood2.jpg

    My favorite Rollerball, this one in an antique pewter American Patriot and some rosewood. This was my EDC pen up until the rosewood split. Also my first rollerball. Would relieve the blank fit at the ends a bit now.
  6. American Patriot Ant Pewter Bottle in Rosewood.jpg

    American Patriot Ant Pewter Bottle in Rosewood.jpg

    My favorite Rollerball, this one in an antique pewter American Patriot and some rosewood. This was my EDC pen up until the rosewood split. Also my first rollerball. Would relieve the blank fit at the ends a bit now.
  7. Chrisjan

    The first pen I'm prepared to post...

    Hi everybody, Here's the first pen I've turned which I'm prepared to post.... It is not the first pen I have turned myself - I just dont have good enough photos of them, see I'll turn pens and do a lot of other things but photography is not one of my strong points... I had to visit a friend to...
  8. patmurris

    Larch Bark Patriot

    Hi all! :smile: This is yet another 'experiment' with an unusual material i recently collected in the southern Alps. The Larch bark is rather soft and somewhat brittle, but with the help of a little CA, nothing's impossible. :biggrin: I'm quiet happy with the colors and patterns! :tongue:
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