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  1. Amihai

    Nib questions & issues

    Hello, First of all, I will admit that I'm not a fountain pen expert. In fact I turn them much more than I happen to use them 😁 I've the issue of screwing and unscrewing nibs from the section in my kitless pens. I've to apply some force in order to screw the nib, which results in the metal part...
  2. M

    Sealing a cap

    Hi, One problem I've noticed with the fountain pens that I turn is that the cap does not keep the nib dry for all that long compared to mass-produced fountain pens. I'm thinking of trying silicone to seal the cap and I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this, or has a technique to seal the...
  3. H

    What nibs for Navigator fountain kit?

    I have a customer that wants to know what kind of nibs are compatible with her Navigator fountain pen, she is an artist and will want very specific nibs, so I am really asking what kinds can't go with it. Thank you in advance for any help!
  4. jpford

    Omas pens question

    Hello turners & craftspeople! I am looking for info about Omas fountain pens. Specifically, I have a customer who owns and Omas that has a bent nib. Someone "straightened" the nib out for them and it does write, but it leaks. Not sure from where as I haven't actually looked at it nor have I...
  5. C

    PSI Tycoon & Majestic Jr Nibs .....

    Had a gentleman tell me elsewhere that these now come with a stock Jowo nib, can somebody else please corroborate this for me? As expected, am new to fountain pens, have a couple customers that want one, I don't want to tell them something that's not true, and I want to make sure I give...
  6. P

    Best Feed For a Heritance Nib

    Hi All, I am wondering if anyone has any direct experience with using Heritance Nibs on either the Jowo or Bock feeds. Is one better than the other? How is the fit? I know in theory #5 and #6 nibs should all be interchangeable, but I have not found that to be so. Sometimes there is a gap...
  7. DrPepper8412

    Lou Metcalf MIA?

    I need a nib, and can't seem to get ahold of him. I've tried email and telephone. Anyone know where he's gone?
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