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  1. alk5adb

    Greetings from Texas

    Hello everyone, Glad to be part of the community, with all the great resources here. I'm new to turning, did my first project today a PSI workshop/sketch pencil. I've been enjoying woodworking for a long time and caught the turning bug. Looking forward to learning. My Shop Pencil. [/IMG]
  2. S

    Hello from Macedonia, Ohio

    Hello all from Macedonia, Ohio I have been turning pens and other small gift type items on and off for about eight years. I recently made a a few of my own P.R. blanks, that came out pretty nice. I used Silmar 41. I like the almost instant gratification with turning, as opposed to...
  3. jewellmd

    Hello from Grand Rapids, MI

    (My New) Friends of the IAP, Hello from West Michigan. I'm a relatively new turner but not exactly new to the IAP. Although my membership into this friendly group was just approved yesterday, many of Google searched lead me here for a number of things. I started turning around mid-August...
  4. fantasticalwoodworks

    Hi from Calif.

    Hi to everyone my name is Rod but all my friends call me paw I have been a member for about a month but have been hiding in the shadows absorbing all the information you all have to offer. I am not very computer savy and a bit timid about posting. I started turning about 20 years ago and turn...
  5. M

    Hello from New Hampshire

    I wanted to introduce myself and say to hello to what looks like an exceptional group! I've been hanging around for a few weeks and could not be more impressed with the resources and experience captured among the members. I definitely have caught the pen making bug and very much look forward...
  6. J

    Hi from Belleview Florida

    I am a newer pen turner. I had bought a old Shopsmith last summer as an all around tool in my small house fix up shop and was looking for some other ways to use it. I saw an ad for a pen turning mandrel kit for it and purchased it. Cut some blanks out of some pine boards I had and proceeded...
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