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  1. Amthermandes

    What pen kit should I use for a Buckeye Burl natural blank?

    Here's what my blank looks like: I'm looking for a pen kit that'll go nicely with it, but I'm having trouble picking the "perfect" kit. I am rather new to pen turning, but I have a few under my belt and I'd like to make this my formal pen, a very exquisite pen. My price range on a kit is...
  2. T

    New Ideas

    I've been making hundreds of wooden pens using slimlines, sierras, cigars, majestics, etc. I am looking to expand my horizons and try more advanced pen blanks/styles. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks:smile:
  3. A

    any ideas????

    I'm wondering if anyone has any good ideas for another look-a-like pen (a pen that looks like a normal everyday object...ex. bolt, golf tee and ball etc.....) im just bored and looking for something to do thanks
  4. rsmith

    "Alternative" Materials, what say you?-a bit long

    I thought this might be an interesting experiment in thinking "outside the box". This MAY be a complete failure:eek:, but figured it's worth throwing out there. My thoughts were, what are some "alternative" materials you have used with some success, that are not normally thrown around in the...
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