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  1. R

    For Sale New Faux Fordite, Chiyogami pen blanks

    I've added some new pen blanks including Whimsical Fordite, Chiyogami, and US Flag and Eagle pen blanks. These blanks are all very colorful and, as you can see from the photos, they can make some beautiful pens. The sample pens in the photos are Sierra Twist pens from PenKitsMall. These pen...
  2. R

    For Sale Faux Fordite pen blanks

    I recently posted my take on Faux Fordite. These tube-in pen blanks use images of actual Fordite blocks, adhered to pen kit specific tubes, and cast in Alumilite Slow resin. I think the pens made with these blanks are really stunning. Today. I am adding a few more that I call Faux Fordite...
  3. CjG78

    Kenworth fordite

    G'day! Another kenworth fordite cast in resin by a friend, fully lined with ebonite, finials and section also ebonite. Jowo #6 nib. Ca Finish. Thanks for looking. Casey.
  4. CjG78

    Kenworth fordite hybrid

    G'day Finished this order yesterday, awesome dragon scale fordite cast in blue epoxy by a friend. Ebonite finials and section, jowo #6 nib. Thanks for looking
  5. CjG78

    Insane fordite

    G'day! Received a nice piece of kenwirth fordite with lumps and bumps. Cast in black epoxy resin. I added ebonite sleeves to ensure I could get threads on it. Ebonite finials and section. Ca finish. Jowo #6 nib. Such an awesome piece of material.
  6. P

    Get Your Own Fordite?

    I have seen some beautiful pens made from "Fordite". According to what I learned here on, Fordite comes from many layers of paint that build up in automobile factories when the paint is applied to new cars during the manufacturing process. Eventually there is so much paint buildup...
  7. CjG78

    Kenworth fordite 'burl'

    G'day! Recently received some lumpy bumpy Kenworth fordite from the States that reminded me a little of burl. It isn't suitable to use as is, so my great friend at Steve's Woodcraft here in Australia cast some pieces in resin for me. I chose pearlescent black, which I think matched well with...
  8. CjG78

    Swirls of fordite

    G'day! I decided to slice the edge off a slab of fordite that I purchased which had lovely drips and odd shapes. I cut it length ways in half and glued them back to back, cast them in red resin to fill the gaps and voila! Happy with the outcome! Noble fountain pen
  9. CjG78


    G'day I absolutely love this stuff. Every piece is unique. Especially the swirly drippy fordite. From the Jeep factory, some had lots of voids, so cast in black resin to hold it together. On churchhill fountain pen, ca finish. The hourglass is a solid piece
  10. CjG78

    Jeep Fordite

    G'day! So I have been hoarding this fordite stuff for a few months now, and thought I'd spin some. It has lovely metallics in it, doesn't show in the photos. Modern Jeep on a Dayacom Harold black titanium rollerball. 8 coats of thin ca to protect it. Thanks for looking! Case
  11. CjG78

    Australian fordite hybrid

    Recently I was given a few chunks of 'fordite' I suppose you could call it. It is the accumulated over spray of paint on the racks of my friend's automotive shop. 10 years worth! Some small pieces were cast in resin by my good friend Sam Baker from Steve's Woodcraft here in Australia. She did a...
  12. jalbert

    Fordite Fountain Pen

    This was an interesting pen to build. The customer supplied me with a chunk of fordite (basically just accumulated layers of automotive paint), and wanted me to incorporate it into a fountain pen. The pen is built largely of black ebonite, as the fordite is far too unstable and brittle to use as...
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