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  1. Cigar Pen

    Cigar Pen

    This is made with our Emerald Isle Cholla Hybrid blank from my shop.
  2. Third Bay Woodworking

    Favorite Pen Kits for Women?

    At the risk of getting a million different opinions, I'll throw this question out there as I need to make a pen for a 40 year old female professional. It will be paired with a piece of cholla cactus that I've stabilized and cast in epoxy. I have several pieces that I've cast, but this will...
  3. Signature Cactus Pen

    Signature Cactus Pen

    Cholla cactus embedded with turquoise.
  4. Cactus & Turquoise

    Cactus & Turquoise

    Cholla cactus embedded with crushed turquoise.
  5. Cactus & Turquoise

    Cactus & Turquoise

    Cholla cactus embedded with crushed turquoise.
  6. mallinpens

    Cholla Summer

    I really like the way the Cholla cactus pens turn out. I call this one Cholla Summer.
  7. budnder

    Cholla with various kits

    Some more Cholla experiments, and some different kit choices. Sierra Grip w/red - the red fill continues to be my favorite. This was for a female doctor. Pretty sweet. I continue to really like how classy the Sierra Grip is whenever I do one. Jr. Gent w/black - this was for a female bank...
  8. budnder

    Customized Baron

    I was originally thinking I'd do a Sedona with this, but the cap trim ring on the Sedona just seemed to clash with the pattern of the cholla. I had some extra red Alumilite that I had dumped into a tube when I cast the cholla... So I switched to a Baron and tried to do something just a bit more...
  9. budnder

    Cholla in a clicker

    When I did my first cholla, I actually did two blanks, but one of them "bled out" - the allumilite found a hole or seam in the tape that I had used to wrap up the cholla and leaked out. The leak was midway up the cholla, so I ended up with "half a blank". I recall seeing someone who had...
  10. budnder

    Southwest Cholla

    Gathered up some cholla when I was in Arizona two weeks ago and tried filling it with some ruby red Allumilite. I painted the tubes red, and in hindsight, I think I might have liked white better - I think the red could be a little brighter. This is the first time I've tried to make a cholla...
  11. THarvey

    A Few Recent Pens

    A few recent pens from my shop. The Orange & Pearl Cholla and Blue & Pearl Cholla Sierras are two casts from the Alumilite I won during the Birthday Bash. The Sweet Gum Balls Sierra, is cast in clear resin. I reverse panted Metallic Blue. The Sweet Gum Blank came from Bobspenfactory. This...
  12. cschimmel

    Crushing stone for pens

    This is how I crush stones for pens. I may have learned it here? (don't remember) but thought a new person may like to know. Crushing Stone for Cholla and Turquoise Pen Making. DIY - YouTube
  13. BangleGuy

    Copper and Cholla

    I finally made it back into the shop tonight and finished a bangle that I had started a month ago. Shees! I will be glad when fall comes so I can let up on the yard work :) This is a women's size 8 copper (wide) and alumilite potted cholla bangle. I finished it using CA and the foam wiper...
  14. BangleGuy

    Cholla Cactus Woman's Bracelet

    Here are some pictures from my latest project making a woman's bangle (bracelet) from a alumilite cast piece of cholla and a stainless steel metal core. I started with a 4 in cast cholla puck that I purchased from a fellow who sells it for turkey calls. I then used hole saws to cut the bangle...
  15. W

    20 Cholla - Le Roi Pens

    Well, tonight I finished the last step in completing 20 pens that will be given as speaker's gifts at an upcoming Knowledge Management conference in Houston. I could not have completed this without lots of reading, asking questions and getting some great tips and advice from the members here...
  16. W

    Alumilite and Cholla

    I have done a little bit of research on here about casting cholla and done a few successfully using Silmar 41. I love the way Curtis' blanks turn though and after watching his videos I thought I would give Alumilite a try. I first used some Alumilite regular just because I had some available...
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