carbon fiber

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  1. R

    For Sale Carbon Fiber finished tube-in pen blanks

    I just added a new pen blank. It's a Carbon Fiber tube-in pen blank, smooth pre-finish, for Sierra Twist pen kit. The pen blank is complete and ready for assembly. No turning! The blank is smooth and polished with Yorkshire grit compound and MacGuire polish. Just press together your pen kit...
  2. P

    casting carbon fiber

    I am tryng to cast some carbon fiber blanks for the virage kit. Using 0.5 inch carbon/fiberglass biaxial sleeves from Soller Composites. My problem is getting the carbon fiber tight enough at the ends so it doesn't come through when I turn down to the bushings. Any suggestions?
  3. J

    Need help with Carbon Fiber...please...

    So after about 2 weeks and 15 feet of carbon fiber, I am still having issues. I have read the instructions in the library and searched this site and tried everything. I am really hoping someone could help. Steps: 1. I put the tube in the carbon fiber and pull at both ends until tight...
  4. R

    Alumilite carbon fiber

    I have been working on some tube in castings with alumilite and carbon fiber. I am so close to having it right, but frustrating myself reading all of the threads. I thought I would ask directly. I am painting tubes black, allowing ample dry time (days) then adhering CF to tube using method...
  5. Falcon1220

    First Carbon Fiber casting

    A while ago I asked about a carbon fiber blank for an Electra pen. Got the results I was looking for. :smile: But the cost was not what I was looking for.:cool: (Shipping cost.:mad: The blank cost was fine) After...
  6. K

    Need Carbon Fiber blank for Sketch Pencil

    Does anyone know where a source for carbon fiber blanks for the PSI Workshop/Sketch Pencil kit (PKSPCL)? This kit has one tube that has interior threads so a regular blank won't work.
  7. R

    Carbon Fiber - Mesa

    Hi, I'm new to the forum but have been turning pens for about 5-6 years now. I'm very frustrated and need some help, hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Last week I ordered a gun metal Mesa kit along with the carbon fiber artistiblank from woodturningz, I couldn't wait to turn it...
  8. C

    Finishing Carbon Fiber Pen?

    I've just turned a carbon fiber pen blank and I cant polish it to a high gloss finish as I usually do for the life of me. I had some dificulties turning it so i needed to sand it down alot, so i started 150 grit and worked up through 800. I then finished it using a full set of Micro Mesh and...
  9. broitblat

    Carbon Retro

    One of Gary's CF blanks on a Black Ti Retro The apparent discoloration seems to be a trick of the light. Gary's blanks were perfect as usual (and they do make a handsome looking pen if I do say so myself :smile:) -Barry
  10. D

    Carbon Fiber Pen

    Turned out okay , from a fat boy arrow . simple slimline in satin . thanks for looking ......
  11. S

    Carbon Fiber

    Somtime ago I took back a Jr. Stateman in reindeer antler that had cracked. I've been carrying that FP for my own, but, decided it wasn't a good idea to be showing a cracked pen to interested people and then try and explain why it cracked. For sometime I've been looking for just the right...
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