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  1. Curly Cherry Sketch Pencil

    Curly Cherry Sketch Pencil

    Sketch pencil from Craft Supplies in curly cherry. Finish is BLO/CA glue.
  2. Woodchipper

    Lacquer finish?

    I just finished scanning a WWing website and the mention of lacquer finish caught my eye. I would like to add to my finish methods of CA and BLO. Best way to apply? I have seen it in spray cans at Lowe's. Any particular brand that you recommend? Any "tricks" to having a good finish? Thanks in...
  3. Woodchipper

    BLO finish

    I have done a couple of pens with BLO and it gives a nice satin finish. I was turning a blank earlier and came up with a question. Is it better to apply BLO at room temperature or can it be heated a bit for better application? Best way to heat? Thanks in advance.
  4. V

    CA finish over dried BLO or Tung Oil?

    I am pretty new to pen turning. I have been experimenting with some different finishing technique using BLO and CA finish. I have been wanting to move away from it because I am having trouble getting a consistent finish and occasional cloudiness. However I really like the way the oil makes...
  5. MarkY

    Cheap Vs. $$$ Ca

    Is there really a big difference between the highest quality $$$ stuff and the dollar-store multi-pack? I'm sure this has been asked before but couldn't find it in my searching. I can already hear, "You get what you pay for." but so far my results (~10 coats of cheap CA/BLO) have been...
  6. Dulos

    Foggy CA/BLO Finish

    I am continually running into this problem with my CA/BLO finish. I get little patches of foggy spots in my finish. I have tried every variable I can to eliminate the problem but it still persists. There are times when I think I got it right but a few minutes later the foggy patches emerge...
  7. M

    CA & BLO - sploches

    I have been using BLO & CA for the last 2-3 months with average results and after some more research on this forum and others I realized my problem. Basically I was putting on way to little CA (literally 1-2 drops per side) and then rubbing so hard that I was probably rubbing it back off. I...
  8. M

    BLO & CA

    I have made about 10 pens using the alternate BLO, CA (medium) approach - about 5 layers on a medium speed. I move quickly so not to have any buildup. I don't have any cloudiness and the pen has a nice shine to it. I also finish it with either Rennaissance wax. The problem (or concern) is...
  9. Lenny

    Majestic Jr. fountain

    My first attempt at turning a Majestic Jr. rollerball resulted in a nice pen that wouldn't "post", as the plastic threads got bunged up. So for my second try I decided to do a fountain out of Amboyna burl. =0) It was also my first attempt at adding blo to the finishing process with the CA.
  10. J

    Plexiglass finish question

    Does anyone currently doing a plexi finish use BLO before? Any adverse reactions? I'm going to head to Lowes after work to pick up the stuff needed to try the finish.
  11. I

    Majestic in IBO

    Hi All, Here's my latest pen, a Rodium and BT Majestic RB in Irish Bog Oak. I worked hard on the finish on this one and got a LOT of input from IAP members (THANKS!) on the CA/BLO finish. I still see places to improve it but am pretty pleased with the final product.
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