black walnut

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  2. Stubach

    First knot pen

    Tried my hand at a Celtic Knot pen the other day. Made from firewood black walnut and maple (need to stop stealing from the wood pile šŸ˜…). Lots of learnings but overall pretty happy as a first attempt. Also first time using Shellawax and EEE, yeah, like those a lot. Kit: Vertex Click from Rockler
  3. D.Oliver

    My 2011 Holiday PITH pen

    is what I was thinking about while I made this pen (which isn't my PITH pen). This one is made from Black Walnut I got from Balasharc. I really like the black walnut and might try to find a way to incorporate some into my PITH pen. The kit is a St. Charles. I changed from a blue backround to a...
  4. Jgrden

    Black Arkansas Walnut

    Using Jeager's approach to finishing I finally got a Black Walnut to finish correctly. Oh and this is a Gary Max Slimline, inventory #GM709 priced at $29.00. Too low??
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