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    Bolt-Action Tec Pen with gunmetal findings and magenta and black spectraply blank
  2. jrista

    Couple of Wall Street IIs, black enamel with some bright red Acrylics

    Nothing particularly fancy. Just a fan of red and black!
  3. S


    Black & Grey pearl swirl acrylic Virage Chrome kit 150-400 grit emery sanding 1200 - 12000 grit wet MM polish Hut plastic polish
  4. EarlD

    Black Pearl Americana

    I found this Americana kit in the cabinet last week but I'm not sure where I purchased it. It's probably 4 or 5 years old but still looked great. I turned a Black Pearl blank from Exotic and polished it through 12,000 mm. Earl
  5. Balasharc

    Any one know what kind of oak this is?

    What kind of Oak is this Black Oak, Bog Oak? somebody help me. Used some and want to sell some but don't know what it is.
  6. juteck

    Military Pen Questions - flat/matt black blank? and pen part supplier?

    Hi -- I want to make an army themed cartridge pen for my brother in law, and have a couple of questions. How do you get a flat matt look on a black "plastic" blank --- there is alot of talk on how to get the shine, but how do you get rid of it without the obvious scrath marks. I still want it...
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