antler pens

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  1. Antler Deer Hunter Pen

    Antler Deer Hunter Pen

    We attempted to turn deer antler, and it turned out well. We had fun learning.
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    The beginning of the process.
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    Half way through the process.
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    Finished product. Pens made from white tail deer antler.
  5. Jarred

    First Antler Pen

    Well, I started turning pens about 2 months ago, and I’m up to about 50 now. Quite a lot of fun. I was cleaning out my garage when I rediscovered a shedhorn that I found on a hike a couple of years back. My son made a $1 bet with me that I couldn’t make a pen with it— a surefire way to guarantee...
  6. F

    My Deer Antler Pen Stand

    It took a little work, but I was able to pick out just the right antler with the right curve and symmetry. Of course, I had to do some shaping with my Dremel and hand sand/polish. Used my belt sander to get the bottom flat. Lots of fun to make! And had to throw in the european mount...
  7. F

    Finished up some antler pen orders

    Just finished up some antler pen orders. one ultra cigar pen and 3 lever-action pens. A couple of weeks ago I also made the antler pen stand. Thanks for taking a look!
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